Calendar 2000–01
Programme in Health Science (Gerontology), and a Master of Administrative Leadership Programme with the University of New England (Australia); a Bachelor Degree of Business Systems Support (Computing) with the Victoria University of Technology (Australia); and a Master Degree Programme in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages with Lancaster University (UK). In order to cope with the increasing learning needs in practical and professional programmes, SCS has recently been developing many new diploma and certificate programmes for professionals, such as the Diploma in Telecommunication Technology and Management, Graduate Diploma/Diploma in Nutrition Education for Early Childhood Personnel, Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language, Diploma in Policing/Security Technology, Professional Certificate in Disciplinary Forces Administration, Certificate Programme in China Accounting, Finance, Taxation and Law, Course in Qualifying Examinations for Estate Agents and Salespersons, Preparatory Course for IBA Diploma in Business Administration, and a new certificate series in Chinese medicine for Chinese medicine practitioners. Besides, a portfolio in English certificate and diploma programmes is organized for working adults to improve their skills and confidence in using English. To address the burgeoning use of computers and technology in society, SCS has designed a wide variety of computer courses, from beginner’s computer literacy courses to award bearing programmes. A new series of e-commerce courses are being developed in the summer of year 2000 to meet the needs of those who have to conduct business in the emerging borderless marketplace. SCS also offers in-house training for government departments, commercial and voluntary organizations. Training courses include English, putonghua, Chinese language and literature, computer and information technology, secretarial studies, economics, management, accounting and law, and many other areas. For development and academic affairs relating to sub-degree programmes, the SCS is under the supervision of the Senate Committee on Continuing Studies. There is also an Advisory Board of Continuing Studies comprising renowned persons from the business sector and veteran staff of the University, who give advice on directions of development. The office of the SCS is located on the 13th floor of the Oriental Centre, 67 Chatham Road South, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon, and classrooms are found on the 8th, 14th and 17th floors of the same building, as well as rented school premises in Wanchai, Tai Koo Shing, Yaumatei, Mongkok, Jordan, Cheung Sha Wan, and Mei Foo. SCS prospectus, programme brochures, and leaflets are obtainable upon request.
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