Facts and Figures 2011
Research Five Focused Areas of Research To maximize impact and benefit to society, CUHK has adopted in its Strategic Plan 2006 the strategy of focusing its research investments in five already distinguished fields of academic enquiry within the University. They are: Chinese Studies The multi-disciplinary field of Chinese Studies is an essential source of understanding of all things Chinese. It is a flourishing field comprising five clusters of sub-areas which represent the combined strengths of academic staff from different units: language, literature and performing arts; heritage and history; social and regional developments; political and legal developments; public health and environment. Biomedical Sciences Biomedical research in CUHK straddles the conventional boundaries of academic disciplines and addresses health issues from the molecular to the societal level, contributing to progress in medicine, public health, and bioscience. Information Sciences On the basis of its significant presence in Information Sciences, it being the major internet hub for the region, CUHK strives to scale greater heights through theoretical and applied research, and to seek opportunities for technology transfer in the areas of theoretical computer science; information and coding theory; information security; multimedia technology and bio-informatics. Economics and Finance CUHK is particularly strong in the areas of Chinese economy, corporate finance and the emerging financial markets of China and Asia. It excels by virtue of its history and geography and contributes to Hong Kong’s strength as a hub of international trade and finance through teaching, research, consultancy and public service. Geoinformation and Earth Sciences CUHK strives to become a national leader and global hub for the research, application and technology transfer of tropical monsoon environmental remote sensing by maximizing the benefit of such technology through research, teaching and public service to improve life, the environment and the economy. 19
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