Calendar 2000–01
ACE 3180 Machine Intelligence and Applications ACE 3190 Sensors and Actuators in Modern Automation ACE 3200 Microelectromechanical Systems ACE 3210 Nonlinear Systems and Control ACE 3220 Smart Materials and Structures ACE 3910 Thesis I ACE 3920 Thesis II ACE 5010 Topics in Computer-aided Geometric Design ACE 5020 Topics in Machine Vision ACE 5070 Topics in Machine Intelligence ACE 5090 Topics in Microelectromechanical Systems ACE 5100 Topics in Nonlinear Control ACE 5110 Topics in Robotics MAE 2010 Computational Linear Analysis MAE 2030 Introduction to Control Systems MAE 2040 Introduction to Manufacturing Systems MAE 2050 Fundamentals of Computer-aided Design MAE 2070 Fundamentals of Machine Intelligence MAE 2080 Mechanics of Materials MAE 2800 Laboratory I MAE 2810 Laboratory II MAE 3010 Modern Control Systems Analysis and Design MAE 3020 Information Processing for Automation MAE 3030 Introduction to Robotics MAE 3040 Advanced Manufacturing Systems MAE 3050 Mechanical Design MAE 3130 Robot Dynamics and Control MAE 3140 Optimal and Robust Control MAE 3910 Thesis I MAE 3920 Thesis II MAE 5040 Process Control Code Course Title CEG 2400 Microcomputer Systems CEG 3150 Principles of System Software CEG 3420 Computer Design CEG 3430 Advanced Microprocessing Systems and Applications CEG 3470 Digital Circuits CEG 3480 Digital Systems Design CEG 3490 VLSI Design CEG 4430 Distributed Systems and Networks CEG 5010 Rapid Prototyping of Digital Systems CEG 5120 Sequential Machines and Automata Theory CEG 5270 CAD for Digital Systems
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