Calendar 2004–05
CUHK Convocation Outstanding Services and Creativity Student Awards Mr. Ko Hung Memorial Literary Prizes Mr. Wu Jieh Yee Language Prize and Mr. Wu Jieh Yee Book Prizes Sir Edward Youde Memorial Award ! Providence Foundation Outward Bound Undergraduate Programme " " # Hong Kong Jockey Club Scholarship Scheme Sun Hung Kai Properties Group Scholarships Wei Lun Foundation Ltd. Scholarships " $ %& The Daiwa Bank Group Awards Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of Commerce Scholarship The Hongkong Bank Foundation Overseas Scholarship Scheme The Japan Society of Hong Kong Scholarship Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho: MEXT) Scholarships for Japanese Studies Longman Exchange Programme Scholarship " ' ( " ( Cultural Study Project in Mainland China Scholarship Japan Airlines Scholarship Programme $ ! ! " # BCC Student Travel Loans CUHK Affinity Card Programme Student Travel Loans Hsin Chong – K.N. Godfrey Yeh Education Fund Student Travel Loans Mr. Lam On Hang Memorial Student Travel Loans Mrs. Ellen Li Student Travel Loans Mr. Ling En-cheng Memorial Student Travel Loans Winsor Education Foundation Student Travel Loans Shanghai Refugee Donation Student Travel Loans Shell Student Travel Loans ! ! " " $ % The Chinese University of Hong Kong Alumni Fund Summer Subsistence Loans
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