CUHK Alumni Homecoming - Open House of Engineering Departments & Project Teams

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CUHK Alumni Homecoming - Open House of Engineering Departments & Project Teams

As part of the celebrations of the University’s 60th anniversary, 2023 CUHK Alumni Homecoming, the largest annual alumni reunion at the University, will be held in the form of a large carnival on 2 December (Saturday).

The Faculty of Engineering will organize an open house in this event featuring various programmes through demonstrations, workshops, lab visits, etc. held by our Departments and project teams.

Details are as follows:

Department/project teamProgrammeVenueTime
Dept. of Computer Science and EngineeringDemonstrationsSHB 9013:00pm – 5:00pm
Dept. of Electronic EngineeringSTEM workshopSHB 231
Dept. of Information EngineeringDemonstrations of (1) Teleoperated Robot and (2) VR GameSHB 801
Dept. of Mechanical and Automation EngineeringVisit to Bioinspired Robotics and Medical Technology (BMT) LabAB1 G01
Dept. of Systems Engineering and Engineering ManagementFinancial Engineering Lab VisitERB 612
The Robocon TeamRobotics Team demoERB 108A
CUHK Jockey Club AI for the Future ProjectAI Education and Exploration LabVisit ERB 1105

It will be a great opportunity for all alumni to gather on this special day. Relatives and friends are also welcome to join.

For more details on 2023 CUHK Alumni Homecoming, please visit

Save the date & come visit us!

CUHK Alumni Homecoming - Open House of Engineering Departments & Project Teams
2 December 2023
Faculty of Engineering