TALENTS Lunch Seminar Series: Flipping a class - First-hand experiences of a first-year flipper

Hosted by: Faculty of Engineering

TALENTS (Teaching And Learning EnrichmenT Sharing) Lunch Seminar Series for Engineering Teachers


Supported by the Faculty of Engineering, Prof. Sidharth JAGGI experimented with completely flipping his freshman/sophomore engineering mathematics classes (the second flipped course is currently ongoing). He will talk briefly about the challenges he faced, try to offer an honest cost-benefit analysis, and walk through some of the "social engineering nudges" that seem to have been effective in these early CUHK Engineering UG courses. Along with Prof. Paul LAM of Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, who will talk about different academic and real-life perspectives on flipped classrooms, in the hope to have an open discussion about flipping with colleagues.


Prof. Sidharth JAGGI is an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Engineering. Besides occasional postgraduate classes, he often teaches UG Year 1 or 2 Engineering Mathematics classes.  He has received several teaching awards from the Department and Faculty, and has served on both the Department and Faculty Teaching and Learning committees.

Prof. Paul LAM joined the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) in January 2003. He has interest in teaching and learning principles, case-based teaching and learning, web-assisted teaching and learning, use of technology in teaching and learning and its evaluation. He also has experience in designing educational tools. uReply (http://web.ureply.mobi) is a classroom student response system developed under his supervision.

TALENTS Lunch Seminar Series: Flipping a class - First-hand experiences of a first-year flipper
6 November 2015
12:30pm to 1:30pm
Room 1009, William M. W. Mong Engineering Building, CUHK
Prof. Sidharth JAGGI, Department of Information Engineering, CUHK, and Prof. Paul LAM, Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research, CUHK