Calendar 2011–12
266 Part 7 • University Ordinance and Regulations Part 7 7. Save as provided in paragraphs 10 and 11, the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in any Faculty shall not be conferred upon any person unless he has— (a) followed an approved course of research as a student of the University for a period of at least 24 months after satisfying the requirements for the conferment of the degree of Bachelor in the Faculty concerned or after admission as a postgraduate student in terms of paragraph 9; and (b) submitted a thesis which is certified by examiners to make a distinct contribution to the knowlege or understanding of the subject and to afford evidence of originality shown either by the discovery of new facts or by the exercise of independent critical power. 8. Save as provided in paragraphs 10 and 11, the degree of Doctor of Literature, Doctor of Science, Doctor of Social Science, Doctor of BusinessAdministration or Doctor of Medicine shall not be conferred upon any person unless— (L.N. 31 of 1981) (a) he shall be a graduate of the University of not less than 7 years standing; and (b) he shall have made in the opinion of the examiners a sustained contribution of distinction to the advancement of his subject. 9. (1) A person who has graduated in another university or who as a registered student of Chung Chi College, The United College of Hong Kong or New Asia College has obtained before the date of establishment of the University a diploma or certificate issued by or on behalf of such Colleges may be exempted from the matriculation requirement of the University and may be admitted as a postgraduate student and may proceed to the degree of Master or Doctor under such conditions as may be prescribed by the Statutes and by decrees and regulations made thereunder. (2) A person who— (a) has completed a course of study in a tertiary educational institution and holds professional or similar qualifications equivalent to a degree; and (b) has satisfied such other requirements as may be prescribed by the Statutes and by decrees and regulations made thereunder, may be exempted from the matriculation requirements of the University and may be admitted to be a postgraduate student with the approval of the Senate. 10. The Senate may recommend the award of the degree of Master or Doctor in any Faculty to any member of the academic staff of the University and for this purpose may exempt any such person from any of the requirements prescribed for the conferment of the degree other than the examination therefor. 11. The Council may recommend the award without requiring attendance or examination of a degree of Master or Doctor honoris causa : (L.N. 31 of 1981) Provided that the holder of a degree which has been conferred honoris causa shall not, by the fact that he has been admitted thereto, be entitled to practise any profession. 12. The Council shall not recommend the award of any degree of Master or Doctor honoris causa except after consideration of recommendations submitted by an Honorary Degrees Committee consisting of—
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