Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 12 Jun 1965
I n addition to the undergraduate Department of Journalism the University als o announced the establishment of a Mass Communications Centre for research and postgraduate training, w i t h in the University's Institute of Social Studies and the Humanities. I n due time, a Master's degree w i ll be offered to the students i n the Centre who meet all the requirements. T h e Asia Foundatio n w i ll support the first two to three-year operation of the new department and the Centre by providing funds for a Visiting Professor and a Lecturer and some other expenses. I n announcing these new establishments, D r . Choh- M i ng L i , the Vice-Chancellor, said: " I t is well recognized that there is an urgent need for such a journalism department and such a research centre. H i gh standards of journalism, in ethics, journalistic proficiency, and i n general cultural levels and language usages are essential in Ho ng K o ng and other East Asian communities. T h e focus of the Department and the Centr e w i ll be primarily on Ho ng Ko n g, but also on other areas of the Far East, in particular the overseas Chinese communities . Practical work w i th local newspapers w i l l f o rm part of the essential training." A n Advisory Board , composed of local and foreign journalists, w i ll be formed to give the Centre and the Department a firm roo t in the local community. A former Professor of the Journalism School in University of Missouri, Prof. Charles C. Clayton, w i ll come to Ho n g K o ng for the academic year 1965/66 as a Visiting Professor. T h e graduate programme of the Mass Comminications Centre will be offered to practising journalists w i t h academic qualification , including graduates of the department w i t h advanced courses in mass communications leading to a higher degree in Social Science. I t is also hoped that short courses in the field of mass communications wou l d be provided for practising journalists through th e University's Department of E x t r a - Mu r al Studies. T h e Centre will also concern itself w i th research on the history , conditions, effects and problems of mass communications in Ho ng Kong, China and the rest of East Asia. These research projects w i ll be coordinated w i t h the general research activities of the Institute o f Social Studies and the Humanities. T he undergraduate Departmen t of Journalism, offered to students of the 3rd year only, w i ll have a qualifying entrance examinations stressed on proficiency i n both English and Chinese. T he undergraduate Department w i ll offe r bi-lingual courses in practising journalism as a field of specialization in addition to courses in Socia l Studies and the Humanities. Bachelor's Degree in Social Science w i ll be awarded to students wh o successfully pass the Department's two year programme of studies. DEPARTMENT OF MUS I C A Department of Mu s ic w i ll be established in Chung Chi College at the beginning of the 1965-66 academic year, the proposal having been approved by the University Council in its A p r il meeting. I n his proposal to the Vice-Chancellor, D r . C . T. Yung, President of Ch u ng Chi College, stated the following aims: " C h u n g Chi College has been approached at various times by local schools and churches to make provision for the trainin g of music teachers and church music leaders. T he Senio r Education Officer for music, many school principals , and church leaders have assured us that the need for university-trained musicians in Hong K o n g w i ll continue for many years to come. "Recognizing the urgency of this need for organized, systematic study o f the theory and practice of music on the universit y level, the College solicited and obtained financial assistance f r om church organizations, local and abroad, t o appoint D r . Da v id Sheng in September, 1964, as a Lecturer in Mu s ic who wou ld plan the development of a Department of Music. " A f t er careful consideration of the local music situation, the financial resources and personnel available, we hereby propose the establishment in September 1965 of a Department of Mu s ic at Ch u ng Chi College offering a 4-year major course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Music, and a minor program for students f r om other departments of the College. “ T h e aims o f this proposed Department of Music a r e : - - a. T o train teachers for primary and secondary schools ; b. T o qualify graduates of the Department for post-graduate studies abroad; c. T o provid e personnel for music direction and leadership in the c ommun i ty and the churches of Hong k ong; d. T o carry on research in Chinese music. "Because of the limited financial resources available at present, this Department in its initial stages w i ll specialize in 2 areas of study, school music education and church music, and w i ll admit not more than 10 major students each year. I t is hoped that the University Senate and Council w i ll review the progress of this Department in 1967-68 before any further plan of development is formulated." T ENTH I NAUGURAL ADDRESS T h e tenth of a series of Professorial Inaugural Addresses of the Chinese University w i ll be held in the City Ha l l Theatre on Friday, June 11, 1965 at 5:30 p.m. 2
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