Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 4 Dec 1970
Hong Kong today. The range of source materials covered, however, will go considerably beyond mer e facts and figures, laws and statutes, and rules and regulations. Official as well as private publications that have appeared in different forms in the past will be studied and selected so that appropriate interpretations may be offered for a better understanding of not only the factual side of secondary education but also the many social and cultural forces impinging on it. Where published data are not available, attempts will be made to investigate into certain aspects of secondary education through"field"research, using such techniques as interviewing, questionnaires, and school visits. In this connection, the Project will collaborate with the Social Research Centre of the University and such academic departments as sociology and social work. Tentative Outline of the Project A tentative outline has been adopted by the research team whose members realize both the magnitude of its scope and the unevenness of source materials available. They are convinced that a study of this kind should precede special research into any one or a series of related aspects of educational problems in Hong Kong, which the University hopefully will undertake to do in the future. The tentative outline of the Project is as follows: 1. Historical Survey of Education in Hong Kong 2. Secondary Education in Hong Kong 3. Secondary Schools in Operation 4. Sociological Analysis of Secondary Education in Hong Kong 5. Conclusions Advisory Committee Prof. C.T. Hu Project Director Mr. W. Fisher-Short Representative, Education Department Mr. A. Hinton Representative, Hong Kong Council for Educational Research Mr. M.K. Ku Representative, Hong Kong Teachers' Association Mrs. S.Y. Tong Representative, Association of Heads of Secondary Schools Mr. T.C. Cheng Director, School of Education Mr. H.M. Fung Research Associate Dr. J. Lee Ng Research Associate Research Team Project Director: Prof. C . T. H u Research Associates: M r . H . M . F u ng Dr. J. Lee Ng Research Assistants: Miss Linda Lam Mr. P.M. Law Mr. T.C. Cheng, Director of School of Education, has kindly consented to assist in the administration of the Project during the absence of the Project Director. C o m p u t i n g C e n t r e The Computing Centre was founded in February 1967 and has been operational since November 1967. In February 1970, a Director was appointed on a full-time basis to run the Computing Centre and to offer associated teaching programmes. After the recruitment of two programmer the Centre immediately started to extend its programming services to the University administration and to the teaching departments. — 2 —
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