Media Coverage
University makes right connections in communications
Media: The StandardThe Chinese University of Hong Kong has been named one of the world's top 10 research institutions with the most impact on communications. Its department of information engineering was the only Asian institution on the Thomson Reuters list that published research papers that are the most highly cited by peers. "I am very pleased to see that our research performance and applications in telecommunications are outstanding and... -
Media: eTVonline工程設計是一個結合系統化與智慧的進程。其中設計者為了革新性地得到不同的設備、器械或系統,從而去創造、具體定義和評估各種設計,務求使這些設計的外形、材料和功能在符合某些特定的限制條件下,實現委託人的目的,以及滿足使用者的需要。工程設計及應用(Engineering Design and Applications)這個課程主要讓學生對工程設計的基礎、過程和步驟有初步概念,並對設計項目的規劃、管理和後期評估有整體的認識。透過學習不同 的設計方法,例如SolidWorks及AutoCAD等繪圖軟件、3D打印等加工技術,來加強學生的創新能力。