Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 7 Feb 1967

On February 24, the Roy seniors invited friends to meet the young couple after the College assembly in the Chapel Lounge where wedding cake was served. Δ D u r i ng the first week in February, D r. Stanley Rypins, retired professor f r om Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, New York, who had been on a lecture tour in India at the invitation of the Indian Government, visited Ch u ng Chi College. Δ On January 2 7 , D r . Carl F. Vikner, Chairman of the Department of Education, Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, Minnesota, visited Ch u ng Chi C o l l e g e , a nd w i ll remain in the Colony for several months conducting educational research. D r. Robert Carr, President of Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, also paid a visit to the College on the same day. Δ Professor and M r s. S.I. Pai visited Ch u ng Chi College on January 30. Professor Pai is Professor of Aerodynamics at Ma r y l a nd University. He recently completed a five-month Visiting Professorship in Japan and was on his way to India for a series of lectures, after wh i ch he w i l l be a Visiting Professor in Vienna. Δ D r. Me r t on D. M u n n , Chairman of the Committee for “ T h e Appraisal of Christian Higher Education in As i a” and Vice-President of Silliman University, visited Ch u ng Chi College on February 17 and 18, together w i th two other members of the Committee, D r . Hachiro Yuasa (formerly President of International Christian University, T o k y o) and D r . W i l l i am Fenn (Secretary of the Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia). Δ Monsieur M i c h el M i d a n, French Cultural Attache in Ho ng Ko n g, visited Un i t ed College on February 22, 1967’ and exchanged views on the French language teaching and related matters w i th the College authorities. COLLEGE NEWS A On February 24 and 25, the new Science Laboratories of Un i t ed College were open to science teachers and senior pupils of the local secondary schools. Over 2,200 people attended. T h e occasion was arranged by the Science Faculty of the College, wh i ch has Chemistry, Mathematics, and Physics Departments. T he Department of Physics has four laboratories (General Physical, Advanced Physical, Optical, and Electronic) and one Mechanical Workshop. T he Department of Chemistry has five laboratories (General Chemical, Organic Chemical, Physical Chemical, Research, and Instrumental Room) and one glass blowing workshop. D u r i ng the t wo days, the visitors were shown the College's laboratory equipment and teaching models. Practical demonstrations in Mechanics, Sound, Electro- magnetism, Optics, A t om ic Physics, Analytical Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Mathematics, etc., were witnessed by visiting students, who were thus enabled to have a better understanding of the science subjects taught in the University. Faculty members of the College were on hand to answer questions raised by the visitors. Δ T h i r t y - o ne outstanding students of Un i t ed College were awarded College Tenth Anniversary Prizes in a cermony held on February 3 , i n the College. T h e prizes, donated by various organizations and individuals interested in the promotion of local higher education, were presented to the winners by M r . Wilson T . S. Wong, J.P., Vice-Chairman of the College Board of Trustees and Chairman of the T e n th Anniversary Celebrations Committee. Shields were also presented to members of the College Basketball Team, who recently won the championship of the 1966/67 Basketball To u r n ame nt sponsored by the Post-Secondary College Athletic Association. Δ Four Ch u ng Chi students have recently been awarded the C . K. Tse Shields for their excellent services rendered to the student organizations. The Shields were named in memory of the late College Registrar, M r . C . K. Tse. Δ On February 2 1 , t h e New Asia College's Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies and Research gave a tea party to welcome M r . Hsu Fu-kuang who had recently arrived to teach Philosophy in the College on a visiting basis for a period of six months. On the same day, the Institute conducted a meeting at wh i ch a Research Student, L u k Yuen-yee, read a paper on “Influence of the Three T r ad i t i onal Schools in Cheng Chien's Mod i f i ed Version of Mao Heng's Annotation of the Book of Odes”. A A public lecture on “ T he Cultural Revolution in Ma i n l and China” was given on February 24 in the Ch u ng Chi College Chapel by M r . Hsu Kwan-san, Editor of the Ming Pao Monthly, under the sponsorship of the Current Affairs Committee of the Student Un i on of the College. T h e lecture was well attended by interested students and College staff. A In response to the Chinese New Year Charity drives sponsored by the Wah Kiu Yat Po and the Standard-Sing Tao G r o u p, the Staff Association and the Student Un i on of Un i t ed College j o i n t ly launched a campaign for donations, as a result of wh i ch a sum of $1,152.05 was donated to Wah Kiu Yat Po and a sum of $1,000.00 was donated to the Standard-Sing Tao Gr oup. A Instruction in the use of Chinese musical 7