Bulletin Vol. 3 No. 7 Feb 1967
instruments commenced in Ch u ng Chi College on February 3. Eighteen students are learning to play the ch'eng, fiddles, and w i nd instruments. Δ “ T he Co a t ”, a play in Cantonese presented by Un i t ed College Studen t Un i o n, won the second prize at the Second D r ama Festival sponsored by the Ho ng K o n g Federation of Students held on February 19, 1967. M r . F u ng L u k - t a k, a 2nd year Arts student of the College, received th e Best Actor Awa rd for his performance in the play. Δ T h e Ch u ng Chi relay teams won both the men's and women's titles in the invitation relays of the An n u al Athletic Meet of the University of H o ng K o n g held on February 4. Δ A Quadruple Athletic Meet sponsored by the University of H o n g K o n g was held on February 26 at the H o ng K o n g University athletic field. Ch u ng Chi College, w i th 240 points, came out first; the University of Ho ng Ko n g, w i th 186 points, was second and Un i t ed College and New Asia College were respectively t h i rd and forth. Δ February has bee n a very busy mo n th for the students of New Asia College. Apart f r om the usual Student Un i on meetings , Departmental Club activities, music appreciation sessions, film shows, religious group activities, etc., the Student Un i on held a Chinese New Year Danc e Party on February 1 1 , w h i c h was attended by about 300 students. A t the invitation of the University Women's Association, the Chinese Mu s ic Club presente d musical performances at the Association's An n u al Assembly on February 17. On the 18th, the D r ama C l ub presented a Cantonese play “ H y p n o b a t i a” at the City Ha ll as the College's presentation i n the Second D r ama Festival of Post- Secondary College Students. On the 19th, A Mo r al Rearmament T e am was invited to perform in the College Au d i t o r i um. The University Bulletin of T he Chinese Universit y of H o ng K o n g is published and distributed free by the University Editorial Board among the University faculty and staff. Copies are also sent to friends of the University. M E M B E RS OF THE U N I V E R S I TY E D I T O R I AL BOARD : D r . K . H . Hw a ng (Convenor) M r . T . S. Chen D r . A . T . Roy M r . N . H . Y o u ng B U L L E T IN STAFF : E d i t o r —D r . K . H . Hw a ng Associate E d i t o r —D r. C. C. L i a ng COLLEGE CORRESPONDENTS : M r . Fang H s in H ou (Chung C hi College) M r . Y. C. Jao (United College) M r . W . M . Y u (New Asia College) ADDRESS : c/o T he Chinese University of H o ng K o n g, H a ng Seng Bank Building, 677, Nathan R o a d , M o n g k o k, K o w l o o n, H o n g Kong. 中文大學校刊爲本大學純粹報導性之刊物 專爲大學及三間成員書院之敎職員及大學各方友好而 版。 出版負責人爲大學出版委員會;委員有:黃金鴻博士 (主席),陳佐舜先生,芮陶菴博士,楊乃舜先生。 校刊職員:黃金鴻博士(編輯),梁敬釗博士( 文編 輯)。書院通訊記者:方信侯先生,余允文先生,饒餘慶 先生。 通訊處:香港中文大學 九龍彌敦道六七七號 恆生銀行大廈十三樓 P R I N T ED BY T A N G K I N G PO SCHOOL, 16 T I N K W O N G R O A D, K O W L O O N , FOR THE CHINESE U N I V E R S I TY OF H O N G K O N G 8
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