Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 1 Jul 1965

T h e following services will be o ffered : (a) Students: Annual physical exam ination (in cluding tests of urine and s t o o l ) for all stu d e n ts plus consultation and medicine (in cluding routine injections) whenever necessary. (b) S ta ff and Dependants: 50% discount on all charges for consultation and medicine (including routine injections) for full-time m em b ers of the academic, adm inistrative and technical staffs including their dependents. T h u s if th e normal charge for a specific consultation plus medicine is $20 , the staff m em b er or his/her d ep e n d en t will pay only $10. Consultation w ith th e C o l lege Physician by the staff m em b ers and th eir d ep en d en ts is, however, on a purely v oluntary basis. (c) Minor S ta ff: Consultation and medicine (in cluding routine injections) for all m in o r staff. United College T h e scheme is also based on a contractual agreement w ith a qualified medical practitioner appointed by the College. Services provided are as follow s:— (a) Students: F ree annual physical exam ination for all students, plus free consultation and medicine (including injections) w henever neces sary. (b) S taff and their Dependents: 5 0% d iscount on all charges for consultation and medicine (In c lu d in g injections) for full-time m em b e rs of the teaching, adm inistrative and technical staffs, including their d ep endents, e.g., if th e normal charge for a certain consultation plus medicine is $20, th e staff m em b er or his/h er d e p e n d en t concerned will pay on $10. Consultation w ith th e College physician by th e staff m em b ers and th eir dep en d e n ts is on a voluntary basis. (c) Minor Staff: F ree consultation and medicine for all m in o r staff mem b ers and th eir depen d en ts (injections included). The Central Office T h e in terim health scheme for th e staff m em b ers and their d ep en dents in th e Central Office is based on the scheme of U n ite d College, by dividing the staff and depen den ts of the Central Office u n d e r the care of the ap po in ted doctors of C h u n g Chi College and U n ited College. T h o se who are living in Kowloon and the N ew T erritories mav receive services from th e College Physician of C h u n g Chi College at his down -tow n office (Sincere Co. Building, about a block from the Central Office) ; and those living on H o n g K o n g island will receive medical services from the College Physician of U n ited College. T h e following benefit will be g iv e n : 50% discount of all charges for consultation and medicine (including injections). F o r m in or staff m em b ers and their dep en d en ts, the following services are o ffered: Free consultation and medicine service (including injection). S tu d e n ts of th e School of Ed u catio n and later graduate stu d en ts of th e U n iversity's two Institu tes will also be covered by the scheme. COMMITTEE ON INTER- UNIVERSITY RELATIONS A th re e -m em b e r comm ittee has been appointed by th e V ice-Chancellor to deal w ith all m atters relating to the im p lem entation of an agreem ent which has been recently signed between the University of California a n d this University. D r. C .T . Yung, P resident of C h u n g Chi College , is to be th e chairman and M r. P reston S ch o y er , Acting V ice-P resident of N ew Asia College, and M r. H .T . "\Vu , the University Registrar, are the other two members. T h e Comm ittee is authorized to co-opt, w ith approval of th e heads concerned, any of th e administrative personnel in th e University and the Colleges on a sh ort-term , p art-tim e basis. T h u s M rs. E .J. F e h l’ D e p u ty Registrar, has been co-opted to be Secretary of th e Comm ittee, and M r. Nelson Young, Acting V ice-President and Academic Registrar of U n ite d College, a working member. S tu d en ts and teaching staff to be sent over from the University of California are expected to arrive in early August. SOCIAL WORK SCHOLARSHIPS T h e Chinese University to g ether w ith the University of H o n g K o n g have approved regulations for th e award of scholarships, each of $5,000 per a n num , to students in th e social study or social work courses offered by th e two Universities, T h e scholarships were donated b y the Ho n g k o n g and Shanghai Banking Corporation. T h e H o n g K o n g and Shanghai B ank announced on 28th F e b ru a ry , 1965, th at it had decided to com m emo rate its centenary by presenting an en dowment to each of th e two Universities to b rin g in an annual income of about $25,000, so th a t five scholarships of $5,000 each could be given at each University at any one time. T h e object of this gift is to attract some of th e best stu d en ts enterin g the Universities into a career of 2