Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 1 Jul 1965
Dr. L ee's major field of research is in th e magnetic resonance and relaxation effects in transition metal ions. Dr. Joseph C. Hwang, Chung Chi College, Biology. D r. Hw a n g was ho rn in H o n g K o n g and attended the D iocesan Boys' School. H e received his bachelor's degree from Cascade College, and b o th m aster's and d octor's degrees in Comparative Physiology from the University of Oregon. While pu rsu in g his studies in Oregon, he also served as research Assistant and later as T each in g Fellow. In 1961, he was awarded a predoctoral traineeship by the U .S . Public Health Service. In D ecem b e r 1961, he became a post-doctoral Fellow in the D e p a rtm e n t of Physiology and Biophysics at th e University of W ashin g ton ; and later Research Associate in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Co lumb ia University (1962-1963). H e was also R e search Fellow ( 1960) and Investigator (1963) at M B L , Wo o ds Hole, Mass. D r. Hw an g joined C h u n g Chi College in 1963, and has served as w arden of a m e n 's hostel (1964-1965). H e is a m em b er of the American Society of Zoologists, the Biophysical Society, and th e American Scientific Affiliation ; and a Fellow of the American Association for the A d v an cem ent of Science. H is publications include: ''The Function of a second sensory cell group in the accessory flexor proprioceptive system of crab limbs," Am . Zool. (1961); “The anomalous responses in the muscle fibers of the Lobster Homarus Americanus,” (1964); ''Frequency and amgnitude of lobster muscle miniature EPSP in K - free- C 1," free medium,'' Am. Zool. (1964). (Photo of D r. Hw an g in Chinese version.) Mr. Liang Chi-Sen, Chung Chi College, Geography. M r. L iang received his B.Sc. in Geography at Sun Y at-S en U n iversity in 1942; M .A . in G eography at Chekiang University in 1944; and obtained the C erti ficate of Associate Professorship from the M inistry of E d ucation in 1946. L a te r in 1963 he w en t to the U .S. to stu d y in th e University of California, Berkeley where he received an M .A . degree in 1964. M r. L iang 's teaching experiences are as follow s: Associate Professor, N ational N anking T em p o ra ry University, Nanking, 1945-1946; Associate Professor, Coastal College, Amoy, 1946-1947; Associate Professor, Kw a n g tu n g Provincial College of A rts and Sciences, C anton, 1947-1949; Associate Professor, C h u n g Chi College, H o n g Kong, 1956-1959; and L ecturer, Ch u n g Chi College. H is publications are: “Economic Geography of Kweichow Province," W en T u n g Book Co., 1947 ; ''Land Utilization and Settlement in Lok Cheong Basin,'' Special Publication of the G eo g rap h y D ep artm en t, Su n Yat-sen University, No. 7, 1943; “Problems of Political Geography in S.E. A s ia ,'' Jo u rn al of the China- South Seas Institute, 1947; “The Climates of S.E. Asia,” Jo urn al of Coastal College, 1947; ''Geopolitics and International Security,” Bulletin, Kw an g tu n g Provincial College of A rts and Sciences, 1948; “Growth of Satellite Towns in Hong K ong ,'' T h e C h u n g Chi Journal, 1962; "A Study on Water Resources Develop ment in the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River,'' Ch u n g Chi Journal, 1964 (in English); "A Geography of China and Hong Kong,” published by th e China Geographical Mo d e l M anufactory, H o n g Kong, 1965; “Physical Geography and General World Geography” (2 Vols.), published by T h e China Geographical Mo d el M fy ., 1964; “New System Textbooks of Geography for Chinese 4
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