Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 4 Dec 1968
• Dr. S.C. Loh, Reader in Electronics assigned to United College, returned to Hong Kong on 3rd December after a six-month trip to Europe. During the period, he visited German universities at the invitation of the German Academic Exchange Service and various computer centres in Holland, Denmark and the United Kingdom. He also at tended the Systems Analysis Course of the British National Computer Centre for six weeks. • Visitors to the University in the past month include Mr. C.R.S. Manders, Scientific Counsellor with the British Embassy in Tokyo; Dr. Cheng-Hsia Wang, Professor of Chemistry, National Taiwan Normal University; Dr. Chao-Tung Chen, Professor and Vice-Director, Institute of Chemistry, Academia Sinica; and Dr. H.J. Barber, Research Controller, May & Baker L td ., England. COLLEGE NEWS • Dr. C.T. Yung, President of Chung Chi College, attended the United Board Ninth Presidents' Conference in Salatiga, Indonesia, from 15th to 22nd November, 1968 , and the United Board Joint Meeting of the Asian and North American Advisory Committee for the Appraisal of the Protestant Effort in Higher Education in Asia, held in Hong Kong from 24th to 27th November. • Professor Chen Cheng-siang, Professor of Geography at United College and Director of the University Geographical Research Centre, and Mr. Liang Chi-sen, Lecturer in Geography at Chung Chi College, attended the 21st International Geographical Congress held at New Delhi, India from 1st to 8th December, 1968. A t the Congress Prof. Chen presented papers on “ China" (which has been published in the Congress publication, D e v e l o p i n g C o u n t r i e s o f t he W o r l d ) and "The Development of Cartography in China ”; and Mr. Liang read his paper on "The Structure and Development Trend of the Central Business District of Hong Kong” (which has also been published in the Congress publication). After the Congress Mr. Liang proceeded to Hyderabad, India, to participate in a Symposium on Urban Land-Use from 9th to 13th December. • A two-day seminar on the teaching methods of the University, sponsored by the Student Union of United College, was opened by Mr. T.C. Cheng, President of the College, at Diocesan Youth Centre, Pokfulam, on 7th December. Students of all three Foundation Colleges participated and a report was forwarded to the University for reference. • Since the completion of the reconstruction of the athletic field at Chung Chi College, an opening ceremony took place on 6th December, 1968 , at 2:30 p.m., followed by the 12th Annual Track Meet on 6th and 7th of December. A torch, in the tradition of the Olympic Games, was lit and sent on its way from the chapel to the athletic field. Mrs. Chan Tak Tai officiated at the Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony. The highlights of the meet were the 4 X 100 metre Invitation Relay Races, won by SCAA and the Hong Kong University. The award of prizes and a tea reception marked the successful conclusion of the meet. • United College held its Third Annual Athletic Meet at the South China Athletic Association Stadium on 22nd November. Over 450 students competed in various athletic events. • The Hong Kong Management Association and the Department of Business Management of United College jointly conducted an Executive Development Programme for four weeks from 4th November to 29th November. The Programme of lectures and discussions was aimed at improving managerial skills of junior executives serving with local com mercial and industrial organizations. The lecturers in the course were Mr. William Kung, Director of Studies, Hong Kong Management Association; Dr. H. Sutu, Head of the Department of Business Management, United College; and Mr. Chien-min Chang, Lecturer in Business Management, United College. • The Department of Geography of United College organized various meetings in the months of November and December. On 13th November Mr. Nip Kam-Fan, Engineer, Traffic and Transport Study Unit of the Government Public Works Department, made a review, illustrated with slides, of reports on (i) Hong Kong Passenger Transport Survey (1964-66), (ii) Hong Kong Mass Transportation Study, and (iii) Hong Kong Long-Term Road Study. A demonstration of cartographical techniques was given at United College on 26th November by Dr. Erwin Raisz, the world-famous cartographer. Over 200 students and staff members of the College and the University of Hong Kong attended. On 4th December Dr. John Wong, Lecturer in Economics of the University of Hong Kong, gave a lecture on “ Chinese Economic Planning" and Mr. K.Y. Yuen, another lecturer of that University, gave a talk on “ Israel and the Middle East" on 11th December. Both talks were illustrated with slides and were well attended. — 8 —
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