Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 3 Nov–Dec 1969
during the second phase. Several more are under consideration. The work accomplished to date represents an expenditure of approximately HK$ 20 million. The status of specific project s is summarized below: University Projects Site Formation This contract is essentially completed at a cost of HK$17 .5 million. T r immi n g of road subgrade and stabilizing of roc k faces remain to be accomplished. Benjamin Franklin Centre This HK$2 .5 million facility for students and staff of the Universit y was built with funds received f r om the American people through the U . S . Department of State, The Asia Foundation and 55 firms and individuals representing American interests in the local business community. Since its official opening in A p r i l 1969, it has been used temporarily as the University Headquarter s pending construction of the Administration Building, which is scheduled for completion in 1971. External Works To facilitate contracting, wo rk under this title has been divided int o several sub-projects, including: major civil engineering works (construction of drains, sewers, roads an d water systems); the construction of a sewage treatment plant and outfall; the supply and installatio n of sewage treatment equipment; the supply and installation of pumping equipment; the construction o f water storage structures and transformer houses; the installation of an electrical distribution system, street lighting and telephone ducting; pavin g and off-street lighting; and overall landscaping of th e campus. Contracts for accomplishment of all but the last of these projects have been or soon will be signed. Mu ch of the landscaping will be accomplished progressively by the groundskeeping crew o f the University as sites become stabilized. I n contrast to practice in urban areas, the University must provide it s own internal utility systems. A modern sewage treatment plant, designed to produce an effluent of high standard, is being installed to permi t waste to be discharged into ToloHarbour without pollution . This is the first plant of its kin d to be constructed in Hong Kong and will cost approximatel y HK$2 .5 million. It is expected to be i n operation by the end of 1970. The total external works vote is estimated at HK $ 14 million. A control system has been established to ensure that drainage, sewers, roads and utility systems ar e completed in time to service the new buildings which are to be constructed concurrently. Administration Building Efforts to finalize a contract for this projec t have been complicated by a general escalation of building costs. It appear s at present that re-tendering action for construction of the Administration Building w i ll be necessary, which could delay the start of construction on this important facility for several months. The estimate d cost of this project is now in excess of HK $2 million. The Administration Building w i ll accommodate the central administrativ offices of the Universit y and have a Council Chamber capable o f seating 140 persons. This w i ll enable futur e Council Meetings and other important conferences to be held at the University. Institute of Chinese Studies Wo rk on this privately donate d structure was begun in August 196 9 and is progressing satisfactorily. It is scheduled for completion prior to the start of the next academic year at a total cost of approximately HK$1 .5 million. In addition to offices, lecture rooms and ancillary facilities capable of supporting its seven research divisions and special projects, it will provid e a 5,000-square foot teaching gallery. This facility will be devoted exclusively to the furtherance of Chinese Studies. (picture in Chinese section ) Vice-Chancellor's Residence Contract for this building was signed on 28th November, 1969. Construction i s progressing satisfactorily with completion expected by August 1970. Other University Buildings Wo r k i ng drawings are under preparation for the Central Library, Healt h Centre and Science Centre. Tendering for th e first two projects is contemplated in Ap r il 1970. Tendering for the Science Centre is set for August 1970. Senior Staff Housing projects Phases 1 and II, which will provide 10 Type I, 32 Type I I and 10 Type I I A fiats are in the working drawing stage, with tendering expected by July 1970. Working drawings for a Joint M i nor Staff Quarters project, which w i ll consist of 36 apartments for married couples and 2 4 apartments for single occupancy, to accommodate personnel f r om United and New Asia Colleges and the central activities of the University, are also in process. It is expected that work on this project will start in Ap r il 1970. — 6 —
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