Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 3 Nov–Dec 1969

Recommendations 11th December, 1969, the last day of the Seminar, was devoted to the preparation of a summary and recommendations. Th e discussion was under the chairmanshi p of Dr. Prachoom Chomchai, Executive Secretary of A S A I H L . The participants agreed to issue the following statement and recommendations after conclusio n of the Seminar: The A S A I H L Seminar on Recent Trends in University Administration, which me t at The Chinese University of Hong Kong , 9th-11th December, 1969. Recognizing the following principles:—— ( 1 ) the universities should recognize the validity of the students' desire to relate their studies to the dynamics of life and experience; ( 2 ) student involvement in problems of the community, the nation an d the world constitutes a useful element of the learning process; ( 3 ) however, a university is essentially and above all a place of study and therefore such involvement should be regarded as a supplement to and not as a substitute for learning itself; ( 4 ) while the student s have the right to speak, to be hear d and to act peacefully on behalf of the causes they believe in, they are subject to the operation of the laws of the land; ( 5 ) in addition, as students, they are subject to the regulations o f the university; accordingly, while they may be given the opportunity to participate in the decision- making processes the fina l decisions should be made by the appropriate organs of the university; ( 6 ) students are entitled to the best education available and the university has an obligation to give it to them. Recommends: ( 1 ) the establishment of a standing committee with a membership of both students and staff, such as the student welfare committee already existing in some member institutions. This should be set up by each member institution to promote closer student-staff relations, t o explore ways and means o f achieving active co- operation and sympathetic understandin g between the student bod y and the university administration; ( 2 ) the organization of a continuing series of conferences and seminars on specific student problems, such as student leadership, student government organization, student clubs and societies, and other phases of student life; ( 3 ) the provision of training for Guidance and Student Personnel workers to enable them to work more effectively, and in view of the facilities and qualified staff available in the Philippines as well as the presence of a national organization, the first Training Institute should be set up by Philippine member institutions; ( 4 ) the establishment of a Regional Research Centre for the Study of Students (student culture, student sub-cultures, student demography, student problems). Thi s Centre could be locate d at an A S A I HL member institution where there is access to computer facilities. Th e research would assist member institutions to process data on students, provide consultation on design of studies, to emphasize the uniquely Asian quality of student problems and culture in determining the goals of research an d the utilization of knowledge. The Centre woul d provide professional assistance, consultation an d exchange on student, administration and faculty concerns. A n offe r has been made by the University of the Philippines to establish such a centre. A n inventory of such facilities in other member institutions will be compiled; ( 5 ) a study to be made by A S A I H L of the role of religion an d some religious practices in the university, particularly with regard to students ' welfare and students' counselling in such a way as to serve the cause of spiritual, intellectual, mental and physical developmen t of the students. Reception A reception was held at the Penthouse, Hang Seng Bank Building, i n the evening of 9th December to honour members o f the Administrative Board and participants of the A S A I H L Seminar. His Excellency the Acting Governor , Sir Hugh Norman- — 4 —