Bulletin Vol. 5 No. 5 Jan–Feb 1969
( 4 ) A student who wishes to change his major and/or minor subject(s) after passing the Intermediate Examination shall be required to pass the Examination in the major and/or minor subject(s) of his new choice unless sanction for exemption is obtained from the Board(s) of Faculty concerned. Social Work, Journalism, and any other subjects which the Senate may approve from time to time shall not come under this rule. ( 5 ) The award of a Pass in this Examination shall be recommended to the Undergraduate Examinations Boar d by the Faculty Board of a candidate's major subject on the advice of the Board of Studies for that subject. ( 6) College results may be taken into account for "border-line " cases of pass or failure in this Examination. ( 7) In examination matters, with the exception of II A ( 5 ) above, the Undergraduate Examinations Board shall serve both as the co-ordinating body for the Boards of Faculty and as the intermediary between these Boards and the Senate. ( 8 ) The Examination arrangements shall be common to all Faculties. The Mechanics of Examinations given in Section TWO I I shall apply to the Intermediate Examination. III. Timing of Change The changes recommended in the foregoing should be put into effect immediately, that is, with the 1969 Examination. Section Two: Degree Examinations I. The Examination System The present system of having Part I and Part II Examinations shall be retained. The present number of papers from 7 to 9 shall not be altered. II. Mechanics of the Examinations ( 1) Sealed-number answer books shall be used for all subjects. ( 2) In case that a paper is to be marked by more than one examiner a marking scheme must be instituted, and the Panel of Examiners shall decide whether such a marking scheme be prepared before the examination or on the day immediately after the examination. ( 3 ) In the event of wide divergences in the marks awarded t o individual questions, or to the script as a whole by different examiners, the case should be reviewed carefully by the Panel of Examiners concerned. In any case, if the divergence exceeds 20 marks in a script the case must be reviewed by the Panel. I I I . Pass System A candidate who fails in one or two papers and yet reaches for all the papers he enters for in the Part I, or Part II, Examination an average mark not lower than the pass mark may be awarded a Recommended Pass for that Examination, subject t o the conditions that the total number of failed papers in the Part I and Part I I Examinations together does not exceed two and that the result of any one paper does not fall below a minimum mark. IV. A ward of Distinction Suggestions concerning the rules for the award of marks of distinction are referred to the Ad Hoc Committee on Classification of Degrees for consideration. V. Timing of Change The recommendations on Mechanics of the Examinations and Award of Distinction should be put into effect immediately, that is, with the 1969 Part I and Part I I Examinations. The new pass system should be applied to only the Part 1 Examination given in May 1969, but to both Part I and Part II after 1969. Section Three: Existing Regulations A l l existing regulations will remain in force in so far as they are not in conflict with the modifications mentioned in Sections ONE and TWO, Constant Review As Vice-Chancellor Choh-Ming Li, Chairman of the Ad Hoc Committee, pointed out, the University examination system, however revised, cannot and should not be regarded as of permanent nature, but should be kept under constant review. — 7 —
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