Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 9 Apr 1966
Ordnance Engineering College, T a i w an Un i v e r s i t y, N o r m al Un i v e r s i ty and Nanyang Un i v e r s i t y. He was for some time D i r e c t or of the Chinese Ma n a g eme nt Association and the Na t i o n al Association of Cost Accountants of China. H i s publications include: Motion and Time Study, Ordnance Engineering College, 1951 ; Industrial Management (2 Vols), Chinese Management Association, 1965 and 1958; Plant Layout, China P r o d u c t i v i ty Center, 1956; Top Management, Na n y a ng Un i v e r s i t y, 1960; Office Management (2 Vols.), Na n y a ng Un i v e r s i t y, 1960; industrial Relations and Personnel Management, A u r o ra Book Co. 1965. Mrs. Ho Tung Te-hing, Lecturer, Sociology, New Asia College. M r s . H o T u n g T e - h i ng received her B . A. degree f r om the National South-West Associated Un i v e r s i t y, K u n m i n g, China, in 1943. She went to the U n i t ed States to study Sociology and obtained the degree of Master of A r ts f r om the Un i v e r s i ty of M i c h i g a n. She received special t r a i n i ng in Social Wo r k at M e r r i ll Palmer Institute, De t r o i t, M i c h i g a n, U . S . A ., specialising in child development and family life. She d i d graduate research at the Un i v e r s i ty of L o n d on and participated in the Programme of Advanced S t u dy at Sm i th College School for Social Wo r k, No r t h amp t o n, Massachusetts, U . S . A. D u r i n g the war, M r s . H o was a probation officer in the K u n m i n g Magistracy, and f r om 1950 to 1958, she was a family case worker i n the H o n g K o n g War Memo r i al F u n d Office. F r om 1947 to 1949, she was associate professor in Hwa N a n College, Foochow, China. Before j o i n i ng N ew Asia College, she taught in the H o n g K o n g Baptist College. Her publications include: Understanding of Social Work (in Chinese, 1960), and Social Welfare Work in Great Britain and U.S.A. (in Chinese, 1963). Mr. John T.S. Chen, Secretary, New Asia College. M r . Chen, a native of N a n Ho i, Kwa n g t u n g, was educated at Au r o ra Un i v e r s i t y, Shanghai, where he obtained an L L . B . degree and a French D i p l ome de Licencie en Sciences Politiques et Economiques in 1946. H is F r en ch thesis was " L a M i s s i on de Yu an Sh i h - k ' ai en Co r e e ". A f t er 1946 , he d id research in the field of Chinese economics at A u r o ra University for several years; his many essays appeared in the University's economics journal Monthly Bulletin (Chinese Economics), wh i ch he helped edit. F r om 1948 to 1951, he taught General Economics and Economic Geography of China at Aurora. A f t er he came to H o n g K o n g in 1951, he taught in W a h Yan College for five years. F r om 1956 to 1959 he was Ed i t or of the Chinese Weekly Review and a L e c t u r er at the Central Political Institute in Vientiane, Laos. F r om 1959 to 1965, he served as Senior Programme Assistant to T h e Asia Foundation, H o ng K o n g. He j o i n ed N ew Asia College in A p r i l 1965. M r . Chen is the author of Return to the Fold of Christ and 1001 Chinese Proberbs. He has also translated several books f r om English into Chinese. Mr. Lyon Yuan Lee, Assistant Registrar, Chung Chi College M r . Lee, b o rn in Canton, China, was educated first in Shanghai and then in Wa h Yan College, Kow l o o n. 4
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