Bulletin Vol. 2 No. 4 Nov 1965
English Language & Literature — Prof. B. Hensman (to time of departure on leave) —Prof. Jesse Zeldin (during the absence of Prof. Hensman) Geography — Prof. Chen Cheng-siang Journalism — Prof. Charles Clayton Mathematics 一 Dr. S.T. Tsou Philosophy & Fine Arts — Prof. Tang Chun-i Physics — Prof. Hsu Bay-sung Social Work — Prof. C. Wayne Gordon (pending arrival of Prof. Cohen) Sociology 一 Prof. C. Wayne Gordon World History & Religious Know- ledge & Music — Prof. N.E. Fehl AMENDMENT S O F TH E ORDINANC E AN D STATUTE S Several amendments have been made and approved by the Legislative Council on "The Chinese University of Hong Kong Ordinance". In the meantime, new Statutes have been adopted by the Council and approved by the Chancellor. Both of the Ordinance as amended and the new Statutes of the University, coming into force in October, have now been published as a Supplement to the November issue of the Bulletin. The most significant amendment was the establishment of an 'Administrative and Academic-Planning Committee' (A.A.P.C.) under the Council as a permanent working machinery within the federal structure of the University to oversee all developments of the University (Ord. Sec. 17(1)). This provision is entirely new in the Ordinance. The old Statutes did provide for the establishment of an Academic Planning Committee (A.P.C.), the Vice- Chancellor as Chairman and the Presidents of the Constituent Colleges as members—with no definition of its duties and responsibilities. T w o years of experience have proved that smooth operation of the Committee is crucial to the development of the federal structure of the University. As now specified in the new Statutes, the duty of the Committee is t oassist the Vice-Chancellor i n nearly all aspects of University planning and administration, including review of the annual estimates of expenditures and of all appointments in the Colleges as well as those for the central activities of the University. The Committee meets once every week, usually o n Monday, with the Registrar serving a s Secretary. Other amendments of the Ordinance included adding the article “The" in the name of the University (Ord. Sec. 1 and 2); and the appointment of members to the Council from the Convocation (Ord. Sec. 11m). The official name of the University is no longer Chinese University of Hong Kong, but The Chinese University of Hong Kong, which may be abbreviated as The Chinese University. All the amendment proposals for both the Ordinance and the Statutes had resulted from the work of an ad hoc Committee for nearly a year. The A d Hoc Committee—established at the suggestion of the Chancellor, consisted of the Vice-Chancellor as Chairman, the representatives of the Boards of Governors (or Trustees) of the three Colleges, the three Colleges Presidents, one of the Principal Assistant Colonial Secretaries, who served in a personal capacity, and the University Registrar who served also as Secretary. SHEL L SCHOLARSHI P FO POST-GRADUAT E STUDIE The Chinese University of Hong Kong has received a donation of $200,000 from The Shell Company of Hong Kong to set up a Shell Scholarship Endowment Fund. The Endowment Fund will b e managed b y the University and the income accruing annually will be used exclusively to finance a n outstanding graduate of he Chinese University to undertake post-graduate studies in the United Kingdom. The student must be a Chinese and is expected to take up a career in Hong Kong in whatever course of study he chooses to undertake. The scholarship provides passage, living expenses and the cost of study for the entire duration abroad. The Vice-Chancellor in receiving the donation from Mr. D. Campbell, General Manager o f Shell Co., on behalf of the University said: "The Shell Endowment aims primarily t o develop leadership i n various areas for the Hong Kong community, and the beneficial effect may be felt by the community in the not too distant future. The University deeply appreciates the generous donation and congratulates the Shell Co. for its public spirit and farsightedness in setting up such endowment." The administrative details of the Endowment Fund will b e handled entirely b y the University. However, a representative of the Shell Co. will be invited to sit at the Selection Panel for reviewing applications for the Scholarship. 6
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