Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 5 Jan 1971
Mr. Lee Ka-Kui 生 先 駒 家 利 After graduation, Mr. Lee taught English at New Method High School until August 1970 when he joined the University Registry as an Administrative Assistant in the General and Public Affairs Section. Deeply interested in Chinese calligraphy and a student of Prof. Sheh Shech-Man, Mr. Lee at one time served as a tutor of calligraphy (summer course) in Shech-Man Academy of Art and Literature. Com i ng s a nd Go i ngs • Mr. Andrew Chan, Dean of Students, United College, resumed duty on 2nd December, 197 0 after his recent visit to universities in Britain as a guest of the British Council. During his stay in the United Kingdom, Mr. Chan visited the Universitie s of London, Oxford, Cambridge, Keele, Hull, York, Leeds, Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt and Eas t Anglia. He also called on the Inter-University Council for Higher Education Overseas, Association of Commonwealth Universities, the Student Section of the Hong Kong Government Office in London, Association of University Teachers, and Foreign an d Commonwealth Overseas Development Office. • Dr. Eliot Deutsch and Dr. Irving Copi, Convenors of the East-West Philosophers' Conference, visited New Asia College on 5th December, 1970. • The Hon. J. Canning, Director of the Education Department of Hong Kong, visited New Asia College on 14th December, 1970. He was received by Dr. the Hon. P.Y. Tang an d Mr. Tsufa Lee, Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the College Board of Governors, and Dr. Y.T. Shen, Mr. Sun Kuo-tun g and Mr. Shu Tou, members of the Board. •Dr. Joseph S.M. Lau, Lecturer in English, Chung Chi College, left on 20th December, 1970 for Singapore to give a series of lectures on Comparative Literature at Nanyang University. • Mr. Wong Fook-Luen, Senior Lecturer in Chinese History, Chung Chi College, made a short trip to Malaysia and other parts of Southeast Asia from 23rd December, 1970 to 10th January, 1971 for gathering materials for his work o n overseas Chinese in that area. • Mr. Lau Wai-man, Lecturer and Head of the Department of History, United College, left for Taiwan on 24th December, 1970 to collect research materials. • Other visitors to the United College included Dr. Leon M.S. Slawecki, Cultura l Affairs Officer of the United States Information Service, Hong Kong; and Dr. Robert W. Hiatt, Physical Science Officer of the United States Embassy in Tokyo. • Other visitors to the University included Dr. Philip G. Davidson of Ford Foundation and Prof. Edgar M. Hoover of Pittsburgh University. Co l l ege News • The Board of Governors of New Asia College has appointed Mr. N.H. Young a member of the Board as from 1st December, 1970, to replace Mr. H.T. Wu during his long leave. • The Department of Music of Chung Chi College presented Madame Shen Chai Teh Yuan in a lecture recital of ch'in music in Lecture Room North, City Hall on 4th December, 1970. Madame Shen is an exponent of the famed "Fan-Ch'uan" school of ch'in playing which originated in Szechuan Province, She had selected the following pieces to perform: "Buddhist Chant", "Three Variations on Plum Blossoms", "Dialogue between the Fisherma n and the Fuel-gatherer", "Song of a Drunken Fisherman" and "Wild Geese Landing on th e Level Sand" . Dr. Dale Craig discussed the history and literature of ch'in preceding her performance. — 9 —
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