Bulletin Number One 1982

w ith effect from the academic year 1981/82. (14) From The Croucher Foundation a grant o f HK$100,000 for the academic year 1982/83 for needy students who suffer from accidents or unforeseen changes in family circumstances. (15) From Mr. Chiu Cho-kon a donation o f HK$50,000 from the academic year 1981/82 to set up Mrs. Chiu Fuksan Bursaries for the medical students. (16) From Mrs. Lam Yeung Sin Wah a donation o f HK$50,000 towards the Lam On Hang Memorial Scholarship Fund. (17) From Professor Wayne Harsh a donation o f US$1,000 to support the travelling expenses for two student recipients o f the University o f California Reciprocity Scholarships. (18) From Mrs. Alice Chau Yu Yim-to a fund o f HK$5,000 in memory o f her late husband, Mr. Chau Yan-kit, a 1979 graduate who was active in student activities. The annual interest from the fund is used as an award for the most outstanding student o f the Department o f Government and Public Administration. (19) From Dr. S.S. Lee a donation o f HK$3,000 for the 1981/82 Lee Sheung Sun Academic Awards for the Postgraduate Hall Complex. (20) From the Cheerful Consolidated Enterprises an annual donation o f four scholarships o f HK$ 1,000 each from the academic year 1981/ 82 to two outstanding students o f the Three- year MBA Programme and two o f the Faculty o f Business Administration. (21) From Mrs. Judy Chan to the School o f Education: (a) an annual donation o f HK$500 for the "A u Yeung K it Fong Education Thesis Award"; and (b) a donation o f HK$500 for the "A u Yeung K it Fong Education Paper Award" for the year 1981/82. (22) From the respective donors increases in the following grants/scholarships: (a) Lam Oi Tong Scholarships from nine to fourteen w ith an amount o f HK$2,280 each from the academic year 1981/82. (b) Mobil/AmCham Bicentennial Scholarship from HK$5,000 to HK$7,500 for 1981/ 82 and w ill be increased to HK$ 10,000 for the triennium 1982-85. (c) L i Po Chun Charitable Trust Fund Scholarships from HK$2,000 to HK$2,500 each from the academic year 1981/82. (d) Yee Sui Cheong Memorial Scholarships from HK$2,000 to HK$2,500 each from the academic year 1981/82. (e) American Chamber o f Commerce Prize from HK$ 1,000 to HK$2 , 000 w ith effect from the academic year 1980/81. (f) Professor H. Sutu Prize from HK$600 to HK$800 for 1981/82 and HK$ 1,000 for 1982/83. Publication Projects (23) From Mr. Ho lu-kwong and Bei Shan Tang Foundation two donations o f HK$ 12,700 each for the printing cost o f the catalogue "Guang dong Calligraphy o f the Ming & Qing Periods" . (24) From Deloitte Haskins & Sells a donation o f HK$4,000 to finance the publication o f the Summer Report on the Employment Survey o f 1981 Graduates". Miscellaneous (25) From Mr. Tsai Ming-yu, the interest accrued from an endowment fund o f US$1 m illion, to New Asia College for academic and cultural development. (26) From The Croucher Foundation the following grants: (a) HK$550 , 000 in support o f the proposed programme o f visits o f scholars in the fields o f Business Administration, Engineering and Mathematics in 1982/83 and 1983/84. (b) HK$100,000 towards the cost o f travel 30