Bulletin Number One 1982
Associations, The Chinese University o f Hong Kong, to establish a Convocation in accordance w ith Statute 18 o f The Chinese University o f Hong Kong Or dinance 1976. The membership o f the group, which could co- opt other members i f necessary, is as follows: The Registrar (Convenor) Secretary o f the University or his representative Deputy Director (Student Activities), Office o f Student Affairs Chairman, the Federation o f Alumni Associations, The Chinese University o f Hong Kong Endowment Fund fo r Speaker Programme Established The endowment fund for the L i & Fung Public Lectures on Commerce and Industry Programme was established when Dr. V ictor Fung, Managing Director o f L i & Fung Ltd., presented a cheque for HK$250,000 to the Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Ma Lin, to commemorate the company's 75th anniversary. Under this programme, soon to be launched under the auspices o f the MBA Programmes o f the University, a distinguished speaker from overseas whose expertise would help Hong Kong in its efforts towards diversification w ill be invited each year to give public lectures and hold seminars w ith local management on topics which can add materially to the development o f Hong Kong. Chinese University Press Book Wins AAUP Recogni tion Five Seasons o f a Golden Year, a Renditions book issued by the Comparative Literature and Translation Centre o f the University and published by the University Press, has been chosen for recognition for the meritoriousness in design and manufacture by the 1982 Book Show Committee o f the Association o f American University Presses (AAUP). This bilingual book is the first entry submitted for the AAUP Book Show by the Chinese University Press since it became an international member o f the Association in 1981. It is on display at a travelling book show staged by member presses and some non- member presses and libraries throughout the United States and Canada. The book, a collection o f Fan Ch'eng-ta's (1126-1193) sixty Chinese poems depicting in sequence o f the five seasons — Early Spring, Late Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter - o f a rural year in all its toils and tranquillity, was rendered into English by Gerald Bullett, a well-known English poet and novelist. Careers in Business Fortnight 1982 A "Careers in Business Fortnight 1982 ” , jo in tly organized by the Appointments Service and the Division o f Business Administration o f the Graduate School, was held from 1st to 12th February, 1982. The Fortnight, which featured career talks given by representatives from twenty-three business establish ments, helped students acquire a better understanding o f the career opportunities in business and provided a chance for employers to meet our graduating students on a casual and personal basis. Social Weil-Being Campaign Launched A Social Weil-Being Campaign was launched from 22nd to 27th March, 1982 as a jo in t project o f the Health Service, the Office o f Student Affairs, the Psychology Section and students o f the Faculty o f Medicine o f the University. It was designed to explore the social determinants o f health; to reinforce the notion that health and safety is both a matter o f personal responsibility and a community affair; and to focus on the importance o f interpersonal relations and a sense o f responsibility to the attainment o f a high level o f social well-being. Activities included an exhibition, a survey by questionnaire, panel dis cussions and seminars. 28
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