Bulletin Number Two 1984
N ew EMSD D ire c to r D r. the Hon. Ho Kam-fai has been appointed Director o f the Department o f Extramural Studies (EMSD) w ith effect from 1st September, 1984 to succeed Mr. T.C. Lai, who w ill retire from the University after nineteen years o f service. Programme on Overseas Chinese A rchives A new Programme on Overseas Chinese Archives under the Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies, Institute o f Social Studies has been established to collect data and conduct research projects on overseas Chinese communities in Southeast Asia in particular, and on a worldwide basis in general. The Executive Committee o f the Archives has the following membership: Chairman: Professor G.H. Choa Pro-Vice-Chancellor, CUHK Secretary: Dr. C.Y. Chang Lecturer o f Government and Public Administration, CUHK Members: Dr. H.C. Kuan Senior Lecturer o f Government and Public Administration, CUHK Dr. C.H. Chai Senior Lecturer o f Economics, University o f Hong Kong Dr. E.C. Chew Senior Lecturer o f Anatomy, CUHK Mr. C.L . Huang Senior Lecturer o f Sociology, Hong Kong Baptist College Mr. Shih Ta Lang Lecturer o f Marketing and International Business, CUHK Funds o f the Overseas Chinese Archives Founda tion are managed by an independent Board o f Trustees outside the University. UPGC V isitation The University and Polytechnic Grants Committee (UPGC) met in Hong Kong from 19th to 31st March and made its pre-grant visitation to the five subvented institutions. The Committee visited the University on 21st March and held discussion sessions w ith the following groups: a. Vice-Chancellor and senior academics; b. subject groups by faculties; c. heads o f administrative and central services; d. student services staff and student representatives; d. non-professorial staff. The current UPGC membership is as follows: Chairman: The Hon. Mr. Justice T.L. Yang Deputy Chairman: The Hon. J.J. Swaine, Q.C. Dr. D. Bethel (Director o f the Leicester Poly technic) Mr. G.C.H. Cheng (Chairman, Taching Petroleum Co. Ltd.) Dr. A.S.L. Chuang (Managing Director, Lambda Electronics Ltd.) Mr. P.C.S. Deveson (Chairman, Inchcape (H.K.) Ltd.) Professor I.S. Ewbank (Professor o f English, University o f London) Professor David Greenfield (Dean o f Medical School, University o f Nottingham) Professor C.B. Howe (Professor o f Economics, School o f Oriental and African Studies, Uni versity o f London) Mr. Andrew L i (Lawyer) Sir Edward Parkes (Vice-Chancellor, University o f Leeds) Dr. B.W. Smith (Director, Royal Melbourne Institute o f Technology) Sir Charles Stuart-Harris (Emeritus Professor (Medicine), University o f Sheffield) Dr. C.J. Symons (Headmistress, Diocesan Girls' School) Professor Wang Gung-wu (Professor o f Far Eastern History, Australian National Univer sity) Dr. R. L. Werner (President o f the New South Wales Institute o f Technology) Dr. W.C. Winegard (Chairman o f the Ontario Council on University Affairs) Miss Eleanor Wong (Managing Director, Hong Kong Knitters Ltd.) Secretary: Mr. W.M. Bradley TVB Supports Research Programme The Centre for Hong Kong Studies o f the Institute of Social Studies is launching a research programme on 'The Uses o f Television and Other Mass Media in Hong Kong' w ith financial support from Television Broadcasts lim ited (TVB) in the amount o f approxi mately HK$460,000. The programme aims at establishing an empirical basis for understanding the various ways in which television and other mass media may play an impor tant role in the lives o f the people o f Hong Kong. It is hoped that the findings w ill contribute to a better understanding o f the need o f the public. 2 NEWS
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