Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 8 Apr–May 1971
Mr. Cheung Kin-hung, Demonstrator in Business Administration, New Asia College Mr. Cheung Kin-hung Mr. Cheun g Kin-hun g obtaine d hi s secondar y education a t Salesia n Schoo l an d graduate d fro m Ne w Asia Colleg e wit h a B.Comm . degre e i n 1970 . Mr. Cheun g ha s mad e a survey o f sof t drin k consumption in Hon g Kon g an d writte n a n articl e o n th e subject. Comings an d Going s • Dr . C.T . Yung , Presiden t o f Chun g Ch i College , left fo r Singapor e o n 9t h Marc h t o atten d th e Secon d Meeting o f th e Commissio n fo r th e Advancemen t o f Christian Highe r Educatio n i n Asia , hel d i n Singapor e from 10t h Marc h t o 14t h March . Dr . Yun g i s a membe r and treasure r of thi s Commission . • Monsigno r Jacque s Garneau , Associat e Director , Association o f Universitie s an d College s o f Canada , visited th e Centra l Offic e o f th e Universit y an d Unite d College o n 2n d and 3r d March respectively . • Fift y teacher s an d student s o f Chapma n Colleg e of California , headed b y Mr . L . Gitin an d Mr. D. Palman, visited Ne w Asi a Colleg e o n 5 th March . • Dr . Jac k Howlett , Directo r o f Atla s Computin g Laboratory, Scienc e Researc h Council , England , sinc e 1961, wa s i n Hon g Kon g fro m 25t h Februar y t o 10t h March, t o advis e th e Join t Universitie s Compute r Centr e of th e Universit y o f Hon g Kon g an d thi s University . His visi t wa s sponsore d b y th e Inter-Universit y Counci l for Higher Education Overseas , Unite d Kingdom . • Th e Institut e o f Advance d Chines e Studie s an d Research o f Ne w Asi a Colleg e an d th e Philosoph y Departments o f Chun g Chi College an d New Asi a Colleg e jointly sponsore d a lectur e a t th e Cit y Hal l o n 11t h March, a t whic h Dr . Walte r Kaufmann , Professo r o f Philosophy a t Princeto n University , wa s invite d t o tal k on "Existentialis m an d Responsibility" . O n 12t h March , a semina r wa s hel d a t Chun g Ch i Colleg e o n "Ar e Integrity an d Happiness Compatible?" • Unde r th e sponsorshi p o f th e Inter-Universit y Council for Higher Education Overseas , Unite d Kingdom , Prof. Pete r Haggett , Departmen t o f Geography, University of Bristol , visite d thi s Universit y fro m 21s t Marc h to 27t h March , t o advis e o n thi s University' s undergraduat programme o f stud y i n Geography , th e development of th e post-graduat e programm e o f study , an d how th e tw o ca n b e co-ordinated . • A t th e invitatio n o f thi s University , a publi c lecture o n "Fabricatio n o f Integrate d Circui t MOS/LSI " was give n b y Mr . Joh n Malliris , Qualit y Assuranc e Manager o f th e Micro-electroni c Divisio n o f Nationa l Cash Registe r Inc. , U.S.A. , o n 29t h March . Semiconducto wafer fabricatio n processe s an d assembl y techniques specificall y o n MO S structure s wer e described at th e lecture . Cos t reductio n throug h th e us e o f new techniques , contro l criteri a an d a produc t fo r th e future desig n wer e als o discussed . • Accompanie d b y Mr . T.S . Foo , Senio r Progra m Officer o f Th e Asi a Foundation , th e Observatio n Tea m of Hu e University , Vietnam , consistin g o f fiv e senio r faculty member s an d administrativ e officers , visite d th e University o n 29t h March . Th e purpos e o f th e visi t wa s to se e th e University' s developmen t plannin g procedure s and th e administrativ e relationshi p betwee n th e University and th e Colleges . Th e Tea m ha d als o visite d a number o f universitie s i n th e Philippine s an d Taiwan . • Prof . T.S . West , Departmen t o f Chemistry , Imperial College o f Scienc e an d Technology , Universit y o f London, visite d Hon g Kon g fro m 30t h Marc h t o 18t h April a s a joint universitie s visitor unde r th e sponsorshi p of th e Inter-Universit y Counci l fo r Highe r Educatio n Overseas, t o giv e advic e o n th e teachin g o f Analytica l Chemistry. Prof . T.S . Wes t visite d th e Foundatio n Colleges and met with th e facult y member s of Chemistry . - 9 -
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