Bulletin Vol. 6 No. 7 Jul–Aug 1970
May I express my deep gratitude to all participants of the Symposium for attending the meeting every day. It is hoped that Chinese education in Hong Kong, with your support and guidance may generate interest in local students towards the study of Chinese language and literature and eventually raise their standard to a higher level. (see also picture in Chinese section) C e r emo ny f o r S i g n i ng t he Lease o f L a n d to t he U n i v e r s i ty Title to approximately 330 acres of land lying in the Ma Liu Shui section of Taipo Road near Shatin was conveyed to the University by the Hong Kong Government at the University on Friday, 3rd July, 1970 when the Agreement and Conditions of Grant was signed by the Hon. D.C.C. Luddington, District Commissioner of the New Territories, on behalf of the Hong Kong Government and the Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Choh-Ming Li, and the University Registrar, Mr. H.T. Wu, on behalf of the University. Dr. the Hon. Sir Cho-Yiu Kwan, Chairman of the University Council, witnessed this significant event, which culminated 7 years of negotiation in which he was a principal participant. Members of the University Council, the three Faculty Deans, student representatives from the three constituent Colleges of the University and members of the administrative staff were also present. Both the Hon. D.C.C. Luddington and Dr. Li spoke at the Signing Ceremony. The tract is one of the largest land grants ever given by Government. It fulfils a commitment made when the University was founded in October 1963 and emphasizes the importance Government attaches to higher education in Hong Kong. The central section of the tract rises to 450 feet and affords a magnificent view of Tolo Harbour and Tide Cove. Development of the site was started by the University in 1967. Tons of soil from the site were previously used in building the gigantic Plover Cove Dam. Chung Chi College, one of the three constituent Colleges of the University, now occupies the southern section of the new campus. Facilities to accommodate United College, now located on Hong Kong Island, will be completed by August 1971 and equivalent facilities for New Asia College, now located in Kowloon, will be completed in 1972. In total, 27 buildings are planned during the first phase of construction ending 31st December, 1971. Plans for the second phase of construction, extending through December 1975, are now being finalized. 員職學大及員官府政士爵堯祖關爲者式儀項該與參契地署簽長校敏卓李 Dr. Choh-Ming Li signing the documents of the Lease of L a n d , looking on are Dr. the Hon. Sir Cho-Yiu Kwan, Government officials and members of the staff of the University — 5 —
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