Bulletin Vol. 10 No. 7 Apr–May 1974
Emeritus, University of Pittsburgh; M r . Hiroyoshi Matsumura, Researcher f r om the University of Southampton, England, and Mrs. Matsumura ; Sir Harry W. Melville , Principal, Queen Ma ry College, University of London; Lo rd Shawcross, Chancellor of the University of Sussex; M r . Dunstan Skilbeck, formerly Principal of Wye College, London University, and Mrs. Skilbeck, and Prof. D . H. Pickard, Professor of Marketing at Wye College; Prof. John Wotiz, Professor of Organic Chemistry of Southern Illinois University; a delegation f r om the Chinese Language Branch, Hong Kong Government, consisting of Dr. Francis K . Pan, Messrs. Francis S.Y. Sham and S.T. Yen; officers of the French Seawise School "Jeanne d ' A r c " ; members of the Takushoku University Study Tour f r om To k y o; and a delegation of the Asian Student Seminar on Higher Education. • D r . Robert R. Augsburger, Vice-President for Business and Finance , Stanford University, and D r . J.R.V. Prescott, Reader in Geography, University of Melbourne, visited United College on 15th Ma r ch and 24th Ap r il respectively. • D r . J. Marcabank Salmon , Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts of Calgary College, Canada, visited New Asia College on 17th Ap r i l. • D r . Theodore J. Ma r r, Visiting Lecturer i n Journalism, New Asia College, was away f r om Hong Kong f r om 15th to 23rd Ma r ch to give lectures on mass communications at the Bible and Medical Missionary Fellowship in New Delhi, and to discuss problems of cultural exchange i n Indian movies. Dr. Ma rr also visited broadcast centres in Bangkok and Singapore. • A t the invitation of the Hong Kong Commercial Radio, M r . Perry Siu of the Department of Extramural Studies joined the Centre for Educational Development Overseas in England f r om 15th Ma r ch for a 4-month appointment to take part in its Educational Television Project. • D r. Choh-Ming Li, Vice-Chancellor, left for New Yo rk on 29th March to attend a meeting of the Administrative Board of the International Association of Universities. D r. L i returned on 7th Ap r i l. • M r . T.C. Cheng, President of United College, visited the Institute of Education in Singapore as an External Examiner from 14th to 22nd Ap r i l. COL L EGE NEWS • United College held a brief ceremony on 12th March to present prizes to students with outstanding academic results. M r . Run Run Shaw, Vice- Chairman of the College Board of Trustees, officiated at the ceremony. • Dr . Yeung Kao May-ching of the Department of Fine Arts, New Asia College, gave a lecture on “ The History of Japanese A r t " on 9th Ma r ch at the invitation of the Japanese Consulate. • Dr. Y.S. Y ü , President of New Asia College , was invited by the Hong Kong Archaeological Society to give a talk on "Politics and Economics in the Han Dynasty" on 11th Ma r ch and on “ The Society and Culture in the Han Dynasty" on 18th March. • M r. Cecil C. Luk of the Department of Business Administration, United College, attended a seminar on " The Introduction of New Products" organized by the Production Management Committee of The Hong Kong Management Association on 27th March. • A t the invitation of the Political Science Society, University of Hong Kong, Dr. Wong Yuk of the Department of Philosophy, New Asia College, gave a talk on “ The Philosophy of Hegel’ on 3rd Ap r i l. • The Research Institute of New Asia College held a monthly meeting for its research assistant trainees on 11th Ap r il at which M r . Chak Chi-shing read a paper on “ The Background of the Criticism of L i Hsiu-cheng," and M r . L iu Chung-hing submitted his findings on “ H ow Prajua Illuminates Tathata — the Necessity of Establishing a Subjective Buddhistic Nature" and M r . Day Kwei- Kwan reported on " The Use of Go ld and Its Association with Politics during the Warring Period”. • M r . C .M. Chang and Dr. Tam Kwok-chi of the Department of Business Administration, United College, were invited by The Hong Kong Management Association to conduct courses in Ap r il and May on "Fundamentals of Personnel Management" and "Fundamentals of Marketing Management" respectively. — 9 —
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