Bulletin Vol. 8 No. 3 Oct 1971
Prof. B.E. Wallacker Dr. Chi Wang Prof. Harry Wang Dr. C.T. Yung Secretary: The Registrar, deputized by Mr. H.M. Liu Student Enrolment The total student enrolment of the University as at 30th September, 1971 is 2,672. Of these 2,412 are undergraduates, 688 in the Faculty of Arts , 1,020 in the Faculty of Commerce and Social Science, and 704 in the Faculty of Science. 897 of the students are enrolled in Chung Chi College, 795 in New Asia College and 720 in United College. There are altogether 1,460 male undergraduates and 952 female undergraduates. The Graduate School has 98 students at present and the School of Education 110 students, 19 full-time and 91 part-time, while the New Asia Institute of Advanced Chinese Studies and Research has 23 trainees. 9 students attend the Postgraduate Diploma Course in Systems Analysis. In addition, the University has 13 exchange students and 7 associate students. University Administration Bui lding in Use Construction of the University Administration Building which began in April 1970 , was completed in September. This new 4-storey building costing HK$2.2 million is situated north of the Benjamin Franklin Centre on the University campus at Shatin. The Institute of Chinese Studies Building is located on the east side and the University Library Building on the west. The following offices of the University have moved into the Administration Building: Vice-Chancellor's Office Registrar's Office Bursar's Office Office of the Director of Physical Development Office of the Vice-Chancellor's Special Assistant Academic Section Examinations Section General & Public Affairs Section General Office Personnel Section Accounts Office Business Office Buildings Office Office of the Graduate School The Student Affairs Section of the Registry, the Appointments Service, th e University of California Study Centre and the University Library are located in the Benjamin Franklin Centre. This arrangement for the Library will continue until the University Library Building is completed, now scheduled in January 1972. (picture in Chinese section) Personalia I. Appointments FACULTY OF ARTS Chinese Language and Literature Mr. Chan Shing-cheong - Part-time Lecturer, United Mr. Ng Sheung-chee - Tutor , Chung Chi Mr. Chang Song-hing - Half-time Tutor, United Mr. Chiang Ying-hoe — Half-time Tutor, Chung Chi English Language and Literature Mr. S. Foreman — Assistant Lecturer, Chung Chi Mr. H.D. Pierson - Assistant Lecturer, Chung Chi Mr. G.W. Berkley — Tutor, New Asia Mr. W.C. Briggeman — Tutor, United Miss Cheng Ngai-lung - Tutor, Chung Chi Mr. Eric B. Dolsen - Demonstrator, New Asia Mr. James V . Feinerman - Tutor, New Asia Miss Wanda Lau - Tutor, New Asia Miss Barbara Ma - Tutor, Chung Chi Mr. Lloyd Neighbors, Jr. — Demonstrator, United - 1 0 -
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