Bulletin Autumn 1989
D r. H a rry Fang Sin-yang, CBE , MBBS , M C h (O rth ), L LD (H o n ), FRCSE , FACS , FRACS, JP Dr. Harry Fang Sin-yang, I trust, is a very happy man. It is said helping others is a source o f happiness and this eminent orthopaedic surgeon has dedicated himself to helping the handicapped with his scalpel and with community leadership. Bom in 1923 in Nanjing, China, Dr. Fang came to Hong Kong to study at King's College in 1937 and entered the University of Hong Kong at the age of seventeen. During World War II , he served in the field ambulance core in defence of Hong Kong and for his valour he was awarded the Defence Medal after the War (1948). In 1949, he received an MB BS degree from the University of Hong Kong and began his career as an assistant lecturer of general surgery. Three years later, aSino-British Fellowship Trust Scholarship took him to the University of Liverpool where he wrote a dissertation on the cervical- spine and earned anMCh(Orth) degree. He returned to the University of Hong Kong in 1956 as a lecturer in ortho paedic surgery. In 1958 , he joined the Hong Kong Govern ment as an orthopaedic specialist and later served several hospitals as consultant orthopaedic surgeon. By 1964, he had become a leader in the medical community. He was president o f the British Medical Association Hong Kong Branch (1964-65) and president o f the Hong Kong Medical Association (1966-67). Since the later 1960s, Dr. Fang has devoted himself to improving rehabilitation services for people with physical and mental handicaps. He has been instrumental in the rapid expansion o f such services in sports and recreation and other new areas. His appointment to Hong Kong's Legislative Council (1974-85) and Executive Council (1978-83) was no doubt the happiest of news for the disabled. During his thirty years o f public service, Dr. Fang has served on numerous committees at home and abroad. He was president o f Rehabilitation Inter national from 1980 to 1984. From 1979 to 1985, he served this University as a member o f its Council. For over ten years, he has been the chairman o f two key government committees, namely, the Medical De velopment Adviso ry Comm ittee and the Reha bilitation Development Coordi nating Committee. He is also a S teward o f the Roya l Hong Kong Jockey Club and honorary president o f the Hong Kong Sports A s s o c ia tio n fo r the Mentally Handicapped, among others. Indeed, Hong Kong is a healthier and happier community because of Dr. Fang's tireless efforts and able leadership. He has shown us that, in one way or another, we are all handicapped, but, with just alittle help, most of us can lead normal and pro ductive lives. To help others is really to help ourselves. In recog nition of his services to medical education and his compassion as a social worker pa r excellence , his alma mater honoured him with a Doctor of Laws degree in 1977. In 1981, he was nominated Man of the Year in the United Kingdom and named Citizen of the Year in Hong Kong. He was appointed aJustice of the Peace in 1964 and the Queen bestowed upon him the OBE in 1966 and the CBE in 1985. For his achievements as an eminent surgeon and his significant contribution to rehabilitation services in Hong Kong and beyond, I present, Mr. Chancellor, Dr. Harry Fang Sin-yang for the award o f the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa . 4
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