Bulletin Number One 1984

list o f the Queen's New Year Honours: * The Hon. S.L. Chen, OBE , JP, Member o f the University Council, Unofficial Member o f the Legisla tive Council and the Executive Council, was made a Commander o f the Order o f the British Empire (CBE). * Mr. H.C. Tang, JP, Member o f the University Council and Vice-Chairman o f the New Asia College Board o f Trustees, was made an Officer o f the Order o f the British Empire (OBE). * Mr. William H.C. Wan, Alumni Affairs Officer o f the University, was awarded a Badge o f Honour. Book Presentations Three book presentations were held in December 1983. * The Chinese Ministry o f Machine-Building Industry donated to each o f the two local universities and Hong Kong Polytechnic two Handbooks , Mechani cal Engineering Handbook (fifteen volumes) and Electrical Engineering Handbook (ten volumes), on 2nd December. A t a brief ceremony held in the University, Mrs. Sylvia Shen , Acting Librarian o f this University, Mr. M. Quinn, Deputy librarian o f the University o f Hong Kong, and Mr. B.L . Burton, Librarian o f Hong Kong Polytechnic, represented their institutions to receive the books from Mr. Zhang Daqi, head o f the delegation o f Scientech Information Centre —China Machine Press o f the Ministry. * Soka Gakkai, a Buddhist organization in Japan, donated a collection o f books (one thousand two hundred volumes, seven hundred and eighty-six titles) to the Univerity on 3rd December. The Vice- Chancellor received the gift from Mr. Daisaku Ikeda, Honorary President o f Soka Gakkai. The donation, at a value o f ¥4,115,080, are Japanese and English books on Japan, China, Soka Gakkai, and other subjects. * A delegation headed by the Hon. James Horsman, Minister o f the Government o f the Province o f Alberta, Canada, visited the University on 6th December and presented to the University about sixty titles o f books on politics, history, literature and people o f Alberta and Western Canada. Professorial Inaugural Lectures The following professors delivered their professorial inaugural lectures in early 1984: Professor Arthur K.C. L i, Professor o f Surgery: ‘The Cutting Edge' (27th January). Professor Liu In-mao, Professor o f Psychology: 'Frontiers o f Language Comprehension Research' (17th February). UPGCNews * The Hon. John J. Swaine, OBE, QC, JP, has been appointed Deputy Chairman o f the University and Polytechnic Grants Committee (UPGC) w ith effect from 13th January, 1984, w ith a view to his taking over the UPGC chairmanship on 1st January, 1985. * Professor Wang Gung-wu o f Australian National University has been appointed a member o f the UPGC for a period o f five years un til 31st December, 1988 , replacing Lord Briggs o f Lewes. * The Medical Sub-Committee o f the UPGC, accompanied by staff o f the UPGC Secretariat, visited the University on 10th January and held discussions w ith staff and students o f the Medical Faculty. The UPGC Medical Sub-Committee meets twice a year, w ith the first meeting held in Hong Kong in January and the second in London in July. The membership o f the Sub-Committee is as follows: Sir Charles Stuart-Harris (Chairman) Professor J.R. Moore Sir Edward Parkes Professor David Greenfield Professor C.T. Dollery The Hon. Alex S.C. Wu The Hon. Mr. Justice T.L. Yang (ex-officio) Associate Dean o f Medicine Appointed Professor J. Vallance-Owen, Professor o f Medicine, has been appointed Associate Dean o f the Faculty o f Medicine on a concurrent basis for an in itia l period o f one year w ith effect from 1st February, 1984. Professor Vallance-Owen, currently Chairman o f the Board o f Clinical Studies, is an experienced and senior member o f the clinical staff o f the Medical Faculty. His main responsibilities as Associate Dean are to oversee the academic activities o f the Univer sity's teaching hospital —the Prince o fWalesHospital, and to represent the Faculty in dealing w ith the Hospital Administration and the Medical and Health Department o f the Government on matters related to the operation o f the Hospital. Clinical Departments/Units Move to TeachingHospital A ll the clinical departments and units o f the Faculty o f Medicine excepting the Department o f Community Medicine moved to the Clinical Sciences Building at the Prince o f Wales Hospital compound in Shatin in January. The Department o f Community Medicine has been housed in Lek Yuen Health Centre, Shatin. Honorary Adviser to the A r t Gallery Mr. Mai Ying Hao , Director o f Guangzhou Museum, has been invited to be an Honorary Adviser o f the A rt Gallery to promote closer links between the Gallery and art museums in Guangzhou. NEWS 3