Bulletin Spring 1988

Mong Kwok Ping Computer Communication Laboratory Opened The Mong Kwok Ping Computer Communication Laboratory of the Electronics Department formally opened on 18th March. Mr. William Mong, Chairman and Senior Managing Director of the Shun Hing Group, officiated at the opening ceremony which was attended by over 50 guests, many of whom were from the telecommunication sector. Mr. Mong, who has in the past been a generous supporter of the University, donated a sum of HK$1 million to the University in May 1987 for the establishment of the laboratory. The new 90-sq.m. laboratory is situated on the ground floor of the North Block of the Science Centre. The laboratory, with its advanced equipment, will enable the University to further develop research and teaching activities in information technology. Visit by Open Learning Institute Planners Nine members of the Planning Committee for the Open Learning Institute visited the University on 29th February. They were warmly received by the Vice-Chancellor and University officers. The visitors held an hour-long discussion session with officers of the University on its undergraduate curriculum, cost structure, and part-time degree programmes. Establishment of the Planning Committee for the Open Learning Institute was announced by the Governor on 7th October, 1987. Under the chairmanship of the Hon. Cheng Hon-kwan, the Committee's 16 local and overseas academics, lay members, as well as government representatives are to map out plans for setting up Hong Kong's sixth degree-awarding institute which is expected to have its first student intake by 1989. Best Teacher Awards Twenty-one teachers won the Best Teacher Award in the election organized by the University Student Union. At a brief ceremony on 15th January, the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Charles K. Kao, presented the Best Teacher Awards to the following academic staff: Faculty of Arts Ms. Lo Wai-luen (Chinese Language & Literature) Dr. Joseph Hin-wai Hung (English) Dr. Mayching Kao (Fine Arts) Dr. Harrison C. Ryker (Music) Dr. T.W. Kwan (Philosophy) Dr. Archie Chi-Chung Lee (Religion) Faculty of Business Administration Mr. Elton K.K. Cheung (Accounting & Finance) Dr. Japhet S. Law (General Business Management & Personnel Management) Faculty of Medicine Dr. Patrick P.L. Tam (Anatomy) Faculty of Science Dr. Chan Kwong-yu (Biology) Dr. Lee Chi-ming (Biochemistry) Dr. Li Wai-kee (Chemistry) Dr. Andrew K.O. Choi (Computer Science) Dr. Lai Hon-ming (Physics) Dr. Lee Sik-yum (Statistics) Faculty of Social Science Dr. Lau Man-lui (Economics) Dr. Joseph Y.S. Cheng (Government & Public Administration) Dr. Paul S.N. Lee (Journalism & Communication) Dr. Ma Hing-keung (Psychology) Dr. Lam Mong-chow (Social Work) Professor Rance Pui-leung Lee (Sociology) Fringe at CU'88 The Sir Run Run Shaw Hall of the University and the Hong Kong Fringe Club jointly presented a variety programme 'Fringe at CU ’88 , on 30th January on the campus. 'Fringe at CU' 88' featured street acts, food street, flea market for exhibition or sale of personal collection of antiques and curios, and art and game stalls for children. A two-hour ‘Band Stand' by professional performers was also staged. The programme was supported by the Council for the Performing Arts of Hong Kong. 17