Bulletin Vol. 4 No. 1 Oct 1967

PART - T IME STAFF T h e Adm i n i s t r a t i ve and Academic-Planning Committee at its meeting on 29th August, 1967 reiterated the principle that p a r t - t i me staff should be reduced as far as possible. T h e Un i v e r s i ty Council had in 1965 approved the policy t h a t: “ A s a rule p a r t - t i me teaching w i l l be permitted only in cases where a qualified f u l l - t i me teacher is not available for courses that are required of students ma j o r i ng in the subject concerned, or a part- time teacher may be engaged to test his suitability for f u l l - t i me a p p o i n t me n t ." STAFF PROFILES Dr. Shiu-chang Loh, Reader in Electronics D r . L O H Shiu-chang was b o rn in Shanghai, Ch i na in 1932 and had his early education there. He received his B.Sc. degree w i th First Class Ho n o u r s in Electrical Engineering and P h . D. degree f r om Leeds Un i v e r s i ty in 1955 and 1957 respectively. He was awarded a Post-doctorate Fellowship by the Na t i o n al Research Co u n c il of Canada and worked in their microwave laboratory f r om 1957 to 1959. D r . L o h also taught for a n umb er of years at the Un i v e r s i ty of H o n g K o n g. Before r e t u r n i ng to H o n g K o n g in 1966, D r . L o h served for one year as Guest Professor at the Laboratory of Electromagnetic T h e o r y, T h e Technical University of D e nma r k; and concurrently the head of Antenna Research G r o u p. D r . L o h, as Reader in Electronics, is in charge of the newly instituted Electronics courses at Un i t ed College. D r . L o h 's ma in research interests are in electromagnetic theory, microwave antennae and toroidal functions. Dr. Mary Edith Ru n y a n, Senior Lecturer in Philosophy and Religious Knowledge M i ss Runyan, a native of N ew Castle, Indiana, attended Ball State Teachers College, Mu n c i e, Indiana and taught in the grammar schools of Indiana before going to the Un i v e r s i ty of Chicage to finish her A . B. degree in the H i s t o ry of Ame r i c an Culture, 1942. She also completed a teaching major in mathematics and taught mathematics in the secondary schools in New Castle, Indiana. She completed her M . A . degree in theology at the Un i v e r s i ty of Chicago in 1945. F r om 1945 to 1948 , she was at M i c h i g an State College, East Lansing, M i c h i g a n, as D i r e c t or of the Christian Student 士 博 章 秀 樂 Dr. Shiu-chang Loh 士 博 德 一 任 Dr. Mary Edith Runyan