Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1979

Jr., 'Recent Publications on Chinese Literature, II: The People's Republic of China", Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles,Reviews : I,January 1979. Wong, Wai-leung, "Selection of Lines in Chinese Poetry-talk Criticism: With a Comparison between the Antithetical Couplet and Mathew Arnold's Touchstones", N e w Asia Academic Bulletin: I, 1978. 楊鍾基:《論李賀詩之設色》,《唐君毅先生紀念 論文集》,1979年。 楊鍾基:《文言文敎學與白話文敎學》,《香港語 文敎育硏討會參考資料册》,1979。 余光中:《與永恆拔河》,台北洪範書局,1979年 4月。 阮廷焯:《吳淑祕閣閒談輯》,《大陸雜誌》,5 8 卷6期,1979年6月。 阮廷焯:《張唐英嘉祐名臣傳輯》,《國立中央圖 書館館刊》,新12卷1期,1979年6月。 阮廷焯:《錢易洞微志輯》,《人文學報》4 期, 1979年7月。 阮廷焯:《賈似道悅生堂隨鈔輯》,《大陸雜誌》, 59卷2期,1979年7月。 Department of English 英文系 Deeney, J., "A Comparativist's View of the Develop- ment of Literature and Society in Contemporary Asia", Asian Culture Quarterly: VI(3),Autumn 1978. Deeney, J., "ECCE English-Chinese Chinese-English Annotated Bibliography on Translation", Bulletin of the Hong Kong Translation Society: (18), September 1978. Deeney, J.,"In Pursuit of Knowledge ... and a Job: Reflections on the Annual Modern Language Association Convention", TamkangReview: IX(4), 1978. Deeney, J., Style Manual and Transcription Tables for Mandarin, 2nd rev. ed.,Taipei: Tamkang College of Arts and Science, 1978. Deeney,J.,《「中詩英譯金庫」介紹》,《明報月刊》, 156 期,1978年12月。 Deeney, J., "Comparative Literature and China: A Bibliographical Review of Materials in English", N e w Asia Academic Bulletin: I, 1978. Deeney, J. (comp. and ed.), Turner. John A. (tr.), 《中詩英譯金庫》聯經出版事業公司,1979年。 Deeney,J.,《修改比翻譯重要》,《翻譯天地》, 18期,1979年6月。 Deeney, J., "Non-Western Literature-Neglected and Emergent-in a New Humanities Context",Quarterly World Report:II(3) ,July1979. Etherton, A.R.B., Teach & Test, Book 5, Summerson, 1978. Etherton, A.R.B.,Communication Skills in English, Workbook 4 and 5, Longman, 1979. Etherton, A.R.B., Bahasa Ingerris, Longman, 1978. Fu, G., "English Language Teaching at The Chinese University of Hong Kong: Why? How??",The English Bulletin: VII(1), 1978. Fu, G., "Bilingual Education in Hong Kong: a Historical Perspective", Working Papers in Language and Language Teaching, Language Centre, University of Hong Kong, May 1979. Ho, L., "Poem", Bridge Magazine, New York, 1978. Ho, L., “4 Poems", Asia Week Literary Supplement, 1979. Ho, L., “Selected Sung Poems”,Renditions, Autumn, 1978. Luk, Thomas, "A Cinemation Interpretation of Wang Wei's Nature Poetry" N e w Asia Academic Bulletin: I, 1978. 陸潤棠:《電影與文學》,《中國人月刊》,1979年 1月。 Tay, W., “The Substantive Level Revisited: Concreteness and Nature Imagery in T'ang Poetry",New Asia Academic Bulletin: I, 1978. Tay, W. & Yip, Wai-lim (ed.), Chinese Women Writers Today, Baltimore: Contemporary Asian Studies, Inc., 1979. Tay, W.,''Images of Women: Notes on Ou-yang Tzu, Ts'ung Su, and Shih Shu-ch'ing", Chinese Women Writers Today. Tay, W., "Confucianism as Leitmotif: Th e Four Books in the Pisan Cantos”, Tamkang Quarterly: IX(3), Spring 1979. Tay, W., “Cheng Ming: The N ew of Ezra Pound",Asian Culture Quarterly: VII(1); 1979. 鄭樹森:《中國文學與外國文學的關係(比較文學 中文書目)》,《書評書目》,70期,1 9 79年2月。 Department of Fine Arts 藝術系 Chang, Margaret H., Hun g Hsien Retrospective Exhi- bition 1978-1980, U. S. A. Chang, Margaret H.,Catalogue: Rocks Trees Clouds & Water, The Art ofHung Hsien, 1978.