Bulletin Number One 1985

(24) From Lotus Tours Ltd. a donation of HK$66,000 for research fund. (25) From Nestle's Products (HK) Ltd. a donation of HK $6,000 in support of a research to be conducted by the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. (26) From Swire Loxley Ltd. a donation of HK$4,000 in support of medical research at the Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery. (27) From World Health Organization two donations of US$80,000 and US$19,500 i n support of research projects to be conducted by the Department of Biochemistry. (28) From the following contributors donations i n support of the Cardiac Seminar organized by the Department of Medicine: (a) HK$5,000 from Astra Pharmaceuticals ; (b) HK$5,000 from Bayer (China) Ltd.; (c) HK$5,000 from ICI Ltd.; and (d) HK$5,000 from Medtronic Co. Ltd. (29) From Astra Pharmaceuticals a donation to support the Symposium on Recent Advances in Chest Medicine organized by the Departmen t of Medicine. (30) From Banque Nationale de Paris a donation of HK$72,000 towards the Joint Universities Creative Works Exhibition. (31) From the following contributors donations towards the expenses for the two Universit y teams to take part in the 1985 National Ginling Cup Basketball Tournament held in Nanjing, China in February: (a) HK$20,000 from British American Tobacco Co. (HK) Ltd.; (b) HK$5,000 from Mr. K.C. Cheng; (c) HK$5,000 from Mr. M.K. Ching; (d) HK$4,000 from Mr. H.P. Kong; and (e) HK$10,000 from Mr. Y.C. Wong. (32) From M r . 陳奕能 a donation of HK$3,665 in support of the International Symposium on Chinese Medicinal Material Research organized by the Chinese Medicinal Material Research Centre in June 1984. (33) From the following contributors donations towards research and staff training funds for the Department o f Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery: (a) HK$7,000 from Mr. Cheung Ming; and (b) HK$2,000 from Mr. Ng Wang-chi. (34) From Chou's Foundation a donation of HK$20,000 for setting up a Student Campus Work Scheme for 1984-85. (35) From a group of visiting anaesthesiologists and nursing anaesthetists from the United States a donation of US$600 towards research and staff training funds for the Department of Anaesthesia. (36) From Dr. Ho Tim a donation of HK$100,000 in support of the International Asian Studies Programme. (37) From Hong Kong College of General Practitioners a donation of HK$100,000 fo r the establishment of a Visiting Professorship in General Practice at the Faculty of Medicine. (38) From Johnson & Johnson (HK) Ltd. a donation of HK$4,000 towards the expenses in connection with Dr. Joshi's visit to the Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatic Surgery. (39) From the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia a donation of US$500 to the Department of English for the purchase of books and journals for PRC scholars/institutions. (40) From Yale-China Association a donation of HK$1,200 towards the Chinese Society Programme. (41) From Edward Keller Ltd., Glaxo Hong Kong Ltd., Mr. W.L . Ko and the Swire Systems Limited, various equipment for medical research. (42) From Motorola Semiconductors HK Ltd. ten pieces of MC68000 computer boards for the Department of Electronics. (43) From Bei Shan Tang, Beijing University, Dr. Chan Pak-yong, Professor & Mrs. Cheng Te-k'un, Mr. Chiu Chuk-ting, Guangdong Provincial Museum, Mr. Hsu Po-chiao, Mr. Ko Shih-chao, Mr. Simon Kwan and Zhi Rou Zhai a collection of books and art items. 32 GIFTS AND DONATIONS