Bulletin Autumn 1975
Publication Projects of Translation Centre The Centre for Translation Projects was established in 1971 with a grant from The Asia Foundation as a research centre under the Institute of Social Studies and the Humanities. The Centre owes its existence to the support of overseas and local foundations, the most important of which include The Asia Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Mellon Foundation and Wing Lung Bank Fund for Promotion of Chinese Culture. It is at present engaged in research and publication in English- Chinese and Chinese-English translation. In translating from Chinese into English, the work is mainly in the areas of literature, history and philosophy. A regular vehicle for this is the English journal, Renditions. A series of "Renditions Books" will publish new translations from Chinese literature, including anthologies of poetry, drama, fiction, and classical and contemporary prose. The first in the series is A Golden Treasury of Chinese Poetry, which will come off the press in early 1976. The second, which is still in the preparatory stage, is An Anthology of Yuan Plays to be edited by Mr. George Kao and Prof. C.T. Hsia and co-published with Columbia University Press. In translating from English into Chinese, the emphasis is on the social sciences, but there are also projects in the humanities and the natural sciences. The Centre collaborates with the academic departments in sponsoring translation symposia, compiling glossaries of scientific terminology, and translating and publishing scholarly monographs. Essays on Classical Chinese Literature by British and American Scholars has already been published and the Centre also assisted Dr. S.T. Chang in the compilation of English-Chinese Glossary of Biological Terms. A projected series of books will include titles on various aspects of social change, translated from standard English works. " A Social Change Series Monograph I " , The Challenge of Development by Parsons, translated by Dr. Ambrose King, will soon be off the press ; and Monograph II, translated by Dr. Fai-Ming Wong and in the final editing stage, is Industrialization and Family Change by Goode. Both monographs are co-published with the Social Research Centre of the University. In the field of social sciences other titles scheduled are Hsin Hsing: Taiwan, A Chinese Village in Change by Bernard Gallin, The United States and China by John Fairbank, Religion in Chinese Society by C . K Yang and Fabrics of Chinese Society by Morton Fried, 8
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