Bulletin Autumn 1988

Three-Year MBA Programme w ith the best business research report. (10) From Mr. Yeh Yui Fong an annual donation o f HK$5 , 000 for five years from 1988-89 for the establishment o f the Yeh Yui Fong Business Research Report Award to student(s) o f the Two-Year MBA Programme w ith the best busi ness research report. (11) From Abbott Laboratories Ltd. HK$50,000 for a research project o f the department o f paedi atrics. (12) From the following donors contributions to the department o f medicine in support o f research and conference activities: (a) HK$7,000 from Associated Medical Supplies Company; (b) HK$6 , 000 from Jardine Danby Ltd.; and (c) HK$20,000 from The Travenol La boratory and The Great Eastern Trading Company. (13) From B. Braun Medical (HK) Ltd. a donation o f HK$3 , 000 to the department o f chemical pathology for research purposes. (14) From Bei Shan Tang Foundation Limited HK$23,300 as the final instalment o f the grant for a jo in t research project undertaken by the Palace Museum and the A rt Gallery. (15) From Boehringer Ingelheim (HK) Ltd. a dona tion o f HK$ 15,000 for a research project under taken by the department o f medicine. (16) From Mr. Peter Chan Chun Pong HK$20,000 for a research project undertaken by Dr. Y.C. Kong o f the department o f biochemistry. (17) From the following donors contributions to the IVF Programme undertaken by the department o f obstetrics and gynaecology: (a) HK$4,000 from Ms. Cheung Yuk Bing, Amanda; (b) HK$3,000 from Ms. Leung Chui-Yee ; and (c) HK$4,000 from Mrs. Susan Lowes. (18) From Farmitalia Carlo Erba (HK) Ltd.: (a) HK$20,000 for a study undertaken by the department o f chemical pathology; and (b) HK$50,000 for a study undertaken by the department o f medicine. (19) From General Food Corporation a donation o f HK$77,910 for a research project undertaken by the department o f biology. (20) From Health Care Products Limited a donation o f HK$ 10,000 for a research project undertaken by the department o f medicine. (21) From H ilton o f Hongkong Ltd. a donation o f HK$ 10,000 to the department o f microbiology for research and educational purposes. (22) From Hoechst China Ltd. HK$ 17,500 as the first instalment o f a donation for a study under taken by the department o f clinical oncology. (23) From Hong Kong Oxygen & Acetylene Co. Ltd. HK$6,000 for a research project o f the depart ment o f anaesthesia and intensive care. (24) From The Hong Kong Jockey Club (Charities) Ltd. a further donation o f HK$8,000,000 for a research project undertaken by the Chinese Medicinal Material Research Centre. (25) From International Cell Research Organization (ICRO) Panel on Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology HK$17,933.10 for a project undertaken by the department o f biology. (26) From International Development Research Centre a further donation o f HK$ 125,493.92 for a research project under the auspices o f the Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies. (27) From Mr. Law Kit-fai a donation o f HK$10 , 000 to the department o f clinical oncology for research and educational purposes. (28) From Lee Foundation, Singapore, a donation o f HK$ 137,160 for a research project under taken by Professor Cheng Tsu-yu at the Institute o f Chinese Studies in 1988-89. (29) From Mr. Leung Ka Wah a donation o f HK$3,000 for a research project undertaken by the department o f surgery. (30) From Merck Sharp and Dohme (Asia) Ltd.: (a) HK$30,000 for a research project under taken by the department o f surgery; (b) HK$90,000 for a research undertaken by the department o f medicine and the de partment o f anaesthesia and intensive care; (c) HK$78,000 in support o f a research undertaken by the department o f medi cine; (d) HK$19 , 500 to sponsor a staff o f the de partment o f medicine to take part in a postgraduate programme in New Zealand and to attend a refresher course con ducted by the New Zealand Medical Association; and (e) HK$10,000 to sponsor a staff o f the de partment o f microbiology to attend a conference in Beijing. (31) From Oriental Daily News Charitable Fund Association a donation o f HK$ 150,000 for a 27