Bulletin Number Five 1987
25th Anniversary Celebrations The Chinese University of Hong Kong is celebrating its 25th anniversary in 1988. The University has organized a series of activities including anniversary lectures, international conferences, an anniversary concert, as well as the Tanner lecture, throughout the year. The programme is as follows: March 25th Anniversary Lecture, by Dr. Robert Gallo, National Institute of Health, Maryland, USA, presented by the Faculty of Medicine (March 16). Conference on China's Civil Law General Principles in Comparative Perspective, organized by the Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies (March 25-29) • April The First Hong Kong Conference on Language and Society, organized by the Department of English (April 25-28). June Conference on Confucianism and Christianity in the world today, jointly organized by the Departments of Religion and Philosophy (June 8-15). Third Asia Pacific Physics Conference, organized by the Department of Physics (June 20-24). 25th Anniversary Lecture, by Professor Paul C.W. Chu ( 朱經武), University of Houston, USA, presented by the Faculty of Science. International Seminar of Medical Imaging (Computed Tomography, Ultrasound and Isotopes), organized by the Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Organ Imaging (June 25 - July 4 ) . August 25th Anniversary Lecture, by Professor Abraham Charnes, University of Texas, USA, presented by the Faculty of Business Administration. Eighth International Conference on Global Impacts of Applied Microbiology (GIAM VIII), and International Conference on Applied Biology and Biotechnology (INCABB), organized by the Department of Biology (August 1-5). First International Symposium on Algebraic Structures and Number Theory, co-sponsored by the Department of Mathematics (August 9-13). September 25th Anniversary Lecture, by Professor Yu Ying-shih (余英時), Princeton University, USA , presented by the Faculty of Arts. 25th Anniversary Lecture, presented by the Faculty of Social Science. (speaker to be confirmed) October 36th Congregation to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the foundation of the University as well as for the conferment of honorary degrees and higher degrees (Oct. 6). Anniversary Dinner (Oct. 7) . Symposium on recent advances in liver Cancer, organized by the Centre for Contemporary Asian Studies and the Cancer Research Group (Oct. 14). Silver Jubilee Ball, jointly organized by the Office of Alumni Affairs and the Federation of Alumni Associations (Oct. 15). Anniversary Concert featuring the Hong Kong Philharmo Orchestra (Oct. 17). Exhibition of paintings of the Ming dynasty from the Palace Museum, at the Art Gallery. Conference on Cultural Tradition and Contemporary Education, organized by the School of Education. November Tanner Lecture on Human Values, by Professor Fei Xiaotong ( 費孝通), Peking University. Symposium on paintings of the Ming dynasty, organized by the Art Gallery. ‘ December International Conference on Hong Kong literature, jointly organized by the Research Centre for Translation and the Centre for Hong Kong Studies (Dec. 6-9). 37th Congregation for the conferment of first degrees (Dec. 8). Symposium on the role of Psychiatrists in Medical Education, co-sponsored by Shaw College and the Department of Psychiatry (Dec. 9 ). East Meets West: A Conference on Comparative Literature Strategies for the Nineties, organized by the Comparative Literature Research Unit (Dec. 15-19). 10
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