Bulletin Number Four 1985

Professor Cheng is the first scholar from Asia ever to become a Fellow o f the Academy. Collaborative Research Agreement on Biotechnology between the University and the Academia Sinica An agreement on the collaborative research in Bio technology was signed by Professor Xue Yugu, Director o f the Institute o f Microbiology, Academia Sinica and Professor S.T. Chang, Chairman o f the Department o f Biology o f this University on 2nd August. The agreement, which takes effect immedi ately, w ill be for an in itia l period o f three years. The collaborative research w ill lay special emphasis on fusion technique and genetic analysis o f protoplasts and the vector-host system, as well as gene expression and regulation in gene engineering. It w ill encourage the exchange o f research scholars and organize seminars in Beijing or Hong Kong to report on research findings. Gifts to Medical Library A collection o f over 300 newly-published medical books was donated to the University by the Foreign Office o f the Federal Republic o f Germany. A t a brief ceremony which took place at the Prince o f Wales Hospital on 2nd September, Mr. Herbert Kamps, Deputy Consul-General o f the Federal Republic o f Germany, presented the g ift to Professor G.H. Choa, Pro-Vice-Chancellor and Dean o fMedicine o f the University. Ming Yu Visiting Scholar Professor Chang Zunliu o f the Research Institute o f History, the Chinese Academy o f Social Sciences, arrived on 11th August for a two-week visit to New Asia College under the College's Ming Yu Visiting Scholar Programme. CUHK Federation o f A lumni Associations The Federation o f Alumni Associations, The Chinese University o f Hong Kong, at its meeting held on 2nd September, 1985 elected the new office-bearers o f the following committees: Executive Committee President: Mr. Cheung Huen Cheong (United) Vice-President: Mr. Yu Ip Kun (Graduate School) Honorary Secretary: Mr. Lung Ching Cheung (School o f Education) Honorary Treasurer: Mr. Wong Tak Shing (Chung Chi) Welfare & Recreation: Mr. Wong Yuk Ying (United) Academic: Ms. Chan Shuk Chun (School o f Education) General Affairs: Mr. Lee Kai Ming (New Asia) Representative Council Chairman: Mr. Cheung Huen Cheong (United) 1st Vice-Chairman: Mr. Yu Ip Kun (Graduate School) 2nd Vice-Chairman: Ms. Chan Shuk Chun (School o f Education) 3rd Vice-Chairman: Mr. Chan Chat Yin (Chung Chi) 4th Vice-Chairman: Mr. Lee Kai Ming (New Asia) Honorary Secretary: Ms. Kwan Choi Wah (New Asia) Members: Mr. Ho Man Sum (United) Mr. Lo King Him (United) Mr. Law Hoh Shing (United) Mr. Wong Yuk Ying (United) Mr. Chan Yue Kai (Graduate School) Mr. Ng Kwok Kee (Graduate School) Mr. Fam Kwok Kay (School o f Education) Mr. Leung Yue Kam (School o f Education) Mr. Chan Pik Kiu (Chung Chi) Mr. Fung Tak Choi (Chung Chi) Mr. Wong Chee Ham (Chung Chi) Mrs. Juni Li (New Asia) Mr. AuYeung Kwok Wah (New Asia) Mr. Yip Hon Chow (New Asia) Past Presidents o f the C U H K Federation o f A lu m n i Associations p ictu red here w ith the Chairman and Vice-Chairmen o f the 1985 Representative Council, and the A lu m n i A ffa irs O ffice r 8 NEWS