Bulletin Number Three 1983
Gifts and Donations As a manifestation o f their confidence in this Univer sity's development, local and overseas individuals and foundations have donated generously to support the University's research projects, fellowship and scholar ship schemes, and have presented the University w ith equipment and antiques. The University received the following gifts and donations in the first half o f 1983. Equipment (1) From The Croucher Foundation a grant o f HK$ 1,250,000 for the purchase o f the Bruker WM 250 superconducting n.m.r. spectrometer and associated equipment to be installed in the Department o f Chemistry. (2) From the Shun Hing Group a set o f ultrasound imaging system National GM2440A for research and teaching purposes in the Faculty o f Medicine. Research Projects (3) From The Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club a grant o f HK$440,000 in support o f a research project on amino acid transport variation in equine red blood cells to be carried out by Dr. James D. Young o f the Department o f Bio chemistry, Faculty o f Medicine. (4) From the UNESCO via Microbiological Resource Centre (Bangkok MIRCEN) a research grant o f US$1,300 for the project on edible mushrooms by applying new biotechnology to be undertaken by Professor S.T. Chang, Department o f Biology. Fellowships & Scholarships (5) From Mr. Ca-fee Hu, Managing Director o f Patt Manfield & Co. Ltd. a donation o f 100,000 shares o f Winsor Industrial Corporation Ltd. (at a cost o f HK$345,892) to Chung Chi College for the setting up o f the 'C.F. Hu Education Endowment Fund'. (6) From the estate o f the la te 宋迹先先生(修性和尙) a donation o f HK$60,000 as scholarship fund for students o f the Faculty o f Medicine. (7) From the Hang Seng Bank Ltd. a donation o f HK$10 , 000 to the French Studies Section to help students attend a language summer course in France in 1983. (8) From Dr. S.S. Lee a donation o f HK$3 , 000 for the 1982-83 Lee Sheung Sun Academic Awards for the Postgraduate Hall Complex. Miscellaneous (9) From the Rockefeller Brothers Fund a grant o f US$12,640 in support o f the International Conference on Modernization and Chinese Culture held at the University in March 1983. (10) From the UNESCO via Microbiological Resource Centre (Bangkok MIRCEN) a grant o f US$200 for the purchase o f culture media or chemicals for the Research Laboratory on Food Protein Production o f the University. Antiques (11) From Mr. Jenmou H.C. Hu fifty-eight pieces o f ancient pottery to the A rt Gallery. 20 GIFTS AND DONATIONS
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