Bulletin Number Three 1983

Gifts and Donations As a manifestation o f their confidence in this Univer­ sity's development, local and overseas individuals and foundations have donated generously to support the University's research projects, fellowship and scholar­ ship schemes, and have presented the University w ith equipment and antiques. The University received the following gifts and donations in the first half o f 1983. Equipment (1) From The Croucher Foundation a grant o f HK$ 1,250,000 for the purchase o f the Bruker WM 250 superconducting n.m.r. spectrometer and associated equipment to be installed in the Department o f Chemistry. (2) From the Shun Hing Group a set o f ultrasound imaging system National GM2440A for research and teaching purposes in the Faculty o f Medicine. Research Projects (3) From The Royal Hong Kong Jockey Club a grant o f HK$440,000 in support o f a research project on amino acid transport variation in equine red blood cells to be carried out by Dr. James D. Young o f the Department o f Bio­ chemistry, Faculty o f Medicine. (4) From the UNESCO via Microbiological Resource Centre (Bangkok MIRCEN) a research grant o f US$1,300 for the project on edible mushrooms by applying new biotechnology to be undertaken by Professor S.T. Chang, Department o f Biology. Fellowships & Scholarships (5) From Mr. Ca-fee Hu, Managing Director o f Patt Manfield & Co. Ltd. a donation o f 100,000 shares o f Winsor Industrial Corporation Ltd. (at a cost o f HK$345,892) to Chung Chi College for the setting up o f the 'C.F. Hu Education Endowment Fund'. (6) From the estate o f the la te 宋迹先先生(修性和尙) a donation o f HK$60,000 as scholarship fund for students o f the Faculty o f Medicine. (7) From the Hang Seng Bank Ltd. a donation o f HK$10 , 000 to the French Studies Section to help students attend a language summer course in France in 1983. (8) From Dr. S.S. Lee a donation o f HK$3 , 000 for the 1982-83 Lee Sheung Sun Academic Awards for the Postgraduate Hall Complex. Miscellaneous (9) From the Rockefeller Brothers Fund a grant o f US$12,640 in support o f the International Conference on Modernization and Chinese Culture held at the University in March 1983. (10) From the UNESCO via Microbiological Resource Centre (Bangkok MIRCEN) a grant o f US$200 for the purchase o f culture media or chemicals for the Research Laboratory on Food Protein Production o f the University. Antiques (11) From Mr. Jenmou H.C. Hu fifty-eight pieces o f ancient pottery to the A rt Gallery. 20 GIFTS AND DONATIONS