Bulletin Number One 1987

tion and languages. In the upper years students will branch o ff to various specialized areas. The Depart­ ment is looking forward to participating in this new establishment and will offer its full cooperation and support for the good of the whole University and the benefits of the local industry at large. Professor Yat-wah Lam Professor Yat-wah Lam Chairman , Department o f Electronics Professor Yat-wah Lam graduated from the Hong Kong Technical College in 1950. After spending a few years in the local service industry, he left for England for further experience, becoming a Chartered Engineer in 1961. While in full-time employment in England, Professor Lam engaged in part-time studies and gained his BSc in Physics from London Univer sity in 1962, MSc in Electrical Engineering from Birmingham University in 1965 , and PhD in Elec tronics from Manchester University in 1971. From 1965 to 1969 Professor Lam was Lecturer in Elec trical Engineering at Birmingham University, and from 1969 to 1971 he was the Milliard Research Fellow at the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology. In 1971 Professor Lam returned to Hong Kong to join this University as Lecturer in Electronics, and from 1974 to 1977 he was Head of the Elec tronics Department. He was the Dean of the Faculty of Science from 1982 to 1985 , was appointed to the Chair of Electronics and reappointed Head of the Elec tronics Department in 1984. Professor Lam has been a member of the University Council since 1977 and is currently Chairman of the Science Centre Manage ment Committee. Professor Lam is a Fellow of the Institution of Electrical Engineers and of the Institute of Physics of the United Kingdom. His research interest and publi cations are in the areas of VLSI technology, Schottky, MIS and shallow-junction devices, insulator- semiconductor interface properties and MINP solar cells. Professor Chen Tien-chi Professor o f Electronics and Computer Science Professor Chen Tien-chi was born in Hong Kong and studied Chemical Engineering at the National Sun Yat-sen University in Canton from 1945 to 1947. He then went to the United States where he obtained the degrees of ScB in Chemistry from Brown University, and MA (Chemistry) and PhD (Physics) from Duke University. In 1956 , Professor Chen joined the IBM Cor poration in the United States and served as Manager and Research Scientist, specializing in computer research, development and application. He also en gaged in part-time teaching in Applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at various American universities, including Stanford University and the University of California, Berkeley. Professor Chen joined The Chinese University as Visiting Professor in 1979, and was appointed Pro fessor of Electronics and Computer Science and Acting Head of United College in 1980. He was elected Head of United College in 1981. Professor Chen has published over fifty articles, which cover his research interests in computer archi­ tecture, hardware-firmware algorithms, optimal pro gramming, magnetic bubble logic, numerical analysis, Chinese Language Processing and computational quantum chemistry. He is also the owner of thirteen patents, with three more pending. In academic circles, Professor Chen plays an active part. He is Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) of America, and has served as IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitor (National Lecturer) and Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on Computers. At present, he is Honorary Adviser, IEEE, Hong Kong and Chair man of its Computer Chapter. He is also President of the Chinese Language Computer Society. In 1984 he received the IEEE Centennial Medal. Professor Chen Tien-chi 14 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS