Bulletin Number One 1986
Theology Building designed to meet the needs of students preparing for special ministries. Students engaged in advanced research or doctoral studies elsewhere may be allowed to use the theological resources in the University for limited periods of time as associate students. Research and Publications The faculty has been engaging in research on contextual theology in the Hong Kong and Asian setting. Findings are published in the Tolo Series, of which three volumes have already been published: 1997 and the Theology of Hong Kong, The Fullness of the Gospel, and Christians and Politics— in the Hong Kong Context. Members of the Department have also been invited to contribute to the Chinese Bible Commentary Project consisting of forty volumes of commentary to cover every single book of the Bible. Research projects carried out by individual staff members include Reconciliation Theology, Sermon on the Mount, Chinese Culture and Religion, Taoism, the Pentateuchal Problem, and the Mission of the Church in Hong Kong, etc. A Pastoral Programme financed by the Christian churches has been launched by the Theology Division since October 1984. This Programme covers the research work on pastoral ministries, collection of data, publishing of the theological series and promotion of mission and ministry works. Students and Staff-Student Relations The Department has an enrolment of ninety- seven full-time students in its various programmes for the year 1985-86 , including fifty-seven BA (Religion), ten BA (Theology), twenty-one BD, seven MDiv, and two MTheol students. In addition, there are four part- time BD (Hons) students and one part-time associate student. The Department is always proud of its harmonious and close staff-student relations. Student representatives were actively involved i n the monthly Faculty-Student Meetings o f the Theology Division and the Board of Studies meetings. The small-group advisory system which provides channels of communication and interactions has been functioning very well. The first-year students find it especially helpful and valuable. Emp l o yme n t Situation Employment opportunities for the Department's graduates have been favourable so far. Most of them go into pastoral ministry and the teaching profession. However, there is an increasing number of them finding jobs in social services and religious institutions. Dr. Archie Chi-chung Lee Chairman, Department of Religion Dr. Archie Chi-chung Lee graduated from this University in 1973 , with a BA degree, majoring in Theology, and in 1975 with an MDiv degree. He obtained his PhD degree in 1980 from the University of Edinburgh. Dr. Lee joined this University in 1980 as Lecturer i n Religion. He has been appointed Chairman of the Department since 1984. He is now a member of the Theological Council of Chung Chi College, and of the Exchange Programme Committee, Chung Chi College. As for off-campus involvement, Dr. Lee is Honorary Pastor of Cheung Lo Church and Shum Oi Church, Church of Christ in China, a member of the Executive Committee of Hong Kong Christian Council and Chairman of the Theology and Mission Committee, Hong Kong Christian Council. Dr. Lee's research interests lie in the field of biblical studies and comparative study of religious traditions. His current research projects include: 'The Functions of the Recitation of History in Israel by Looking into the "Historical Psalms" in the Book of Psalms and Prophets', The Interpretation and Use of the Bible by Chinese Scholars in Their Construction of Chinese Theology in China, 1920-1949', ' A Commentary on the Book of Ecclesiates and the Song of Songs' and ‘A Comparative Study of Hebrew Wisdom literature and the Chinese Wisdom Tradition'. He has published a number of articles in magazines, journals and books. 20 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS
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