Bulletin Autumn‧Winter 1979

foundations donations in support of the research on Chinese medicines: (a) Mr. Kevin S. Hsu a donation of HK$1,000,000 (b) Mr. Richard K . C. Lee a donation of HK$500,000 (c) Mr. John Tung a donation of HK$500,000 (d) Mr. C. H. Yü a donation of HK$100,000 (e) Mr. S. L. Pao a donation of HK$50,000 (f) D ow Chemicals Pacific Ltd. renewal of their grant for two years (1979 & 1980) at US$5,000 per annum (g) D. H. Chen Foundation a donation of HK$40,000 (h) Mr. Yeh Kan-nee a donation of HK$20,00 0 (i) a Singapore anonymous dono r a donation of HK$15,000 (j) Mr. Harry P. S. Chang a donation of HK$10,000 (k) Fong Shu Fook Tong Foundation Fund Ltd. a donation of HK$10,000 (1) Mr. Yü Li-tzu a donation of H K $ 10,000 (9) From the International Development Research Centre a grant of Canadian $35,100 for the Economic Research Centre to undertake a project on ‘Economics of Tourism (Asia)'. (10) From the Government Lotteries Fund a grant of HK$118,453 to the Social Research Centre for carrying out a research project on the effects of caretaking forms and styles on the development of children in urban Hong Kong. (11) From the Bei Shan Tang Foundation a grant of HK$104,000 to finance two Research Associate- ships at the Institute of Chinese Studies. (12) From the Board of Directors of the Chinese Entertainment and Land Investment Co. Ltd. a donation of HK$100,000, in memory of the late Mr. Liang Chi Hao, as contribution to the Medical Research Fund. (13) From the Trustees of Lingnan University US$17,200, being contribution for the operating expenses of the Department of Sociology and the Social Research Centre in conducting their "Programme of Research and Teaching on the Chinese Society". (14) From the Lee Foundation (Singapore) a donation of HK$75,000 for biochemical research work on accupuncture treatment of narcotic withdrawal. (15) From the Population Council a grant of US$12,500 for research on the chemical and pharmacological characterization of the aborti- facient protein from Trichosanthes kirilowii, under the direction of Dr. Hin-Wing Yeung, Lecturer in Biochemistry. (16) From Mr. K. S. Lo a further donation of HK$25,800 for continuing the research project on the “History of Tea Drinking and Tea Utensils in China" for another year. (17) From the Lotus Tours Ltd. a sum of HK$22,000 being donation to The Chinese University Research Funds. (18) From Mr. Henry H. Hsu a donation of HK$20,000 for research purposes. (19) From Dr. J. S. Lee a sum of HK$6,000 being contribution towards the Art Gallery's research trip to pottery production centres in South China. (20) From the Corn Products Co. (Hong Kong) Ltd. 10 bags (50 lb. per bag) of Catfish Food and 20 bags (50 lb. per bag) of Shrimp Feed for experiment at the Marine Science Laboratory. Fellowships and Scholarships (21) From Mr. Kevin S. Hsu HK$1,000,000 for the setting up of a "Kevin S. Hsu Medical Education Endowment Fund". (22) From the Trustees of Lingnan University: (a) US$18,000 designated for the operating expenses of the Lingnan Fellowship Programme for Faculty Development in the academic year 1979/80. (b) US$10,000 and US$15,000, being the cost of operating the Lingnan Trustees Doctoral Business Administration Fellowship Programme in the academic year 1979/80 and 1980/81 respectively. (23) From the Lions Club of Hong Kong (Host) a scholarship fund amounting to H K $ 150,000 in honour of Lion Dr. Francis K. Pan. (24) From the Shanghai Fraternity Association a