Bulletin Number Four 1987
(14) From an anonymous donor, HK$6 , 000 for the Director's Discretionary Fund o f the School of Education. (15) From Astra Pharmaceuticals Sweden a donation o f HK$ 12,000 for sponsoring a member o f the Department o f Medicine to attend a meeting in Australia in June 1987. (16) From Bard International, Inc., sponsorship for two members o f the Department o f Medicine to attend a training and demonstration course in San Francisco, USA, in August 1987. (17) From Bei Shan Tang Foundation: (a) HK$ 16,840 for sponsoring a member o f the A rt Gallery to visit London and Paris; and (b) HK$63,000 for sponsoring the Exhibition o f Cultural Relics from Dunhuang and Turfan held from 13th June to 25th July, 1987. (18) From Mr. Tseng Cheng a donation o f HK$400 for the Department o f Diagnostic Radiology and Organ Imaging. (19) From the French Government: (a) FF7 , 000 for the French Studies Section; and (b) HK$24,000 for sponsoring students minoring in French to attend summer courses in France. (20) From Gell Medical lim ited a donation o f HK$7,800 to sponsor a member o f the Depart ment o f Obstetrics and Gynaecology to attend a laser course in the USA from 10th to 11th April, 1987. (21) From Glaxo Hong Kong Ltd.: (a) HK$2,500 to sponsor a member o f the Department o f Clinical Oncology to attend a course in the UK in June 1987; and (b) Sponsorship o f airfare and accommoda tion for a member o f the Department o f Paediatrics to attend a conference in Switzerland in June 1987. (22) From Great Eastern Trading Company a dona tion o f HK$60,000 in support o f a research o f the Department o f Paediatrics. (23) From Hang Seng Bank lim ited a donation of HK$40,000 to sponsor two conferences organ ized by the Department o f Biology in August 1988. (24) From Nestle China Ltd. a donation o fHK$720 to the Department o f Obstetrics and Gynaecol ogy for entertaining academic visitors from China. (25) From Roche Far East Research Foundation donations o f 200 sample tablets and HK$7,318 for sponsoring a member o f the Department of Pharmacology to visit Shanghai from 21st April to 16th May, 1987. (26) From Schwarz International a donation of HK$3,000 in support o f the weekly cardiac seminars organized by the Department o f Medicine. (27) From Wellcome Trust a donation o f £1,500 to sponsor a symposium organized by the Department of Physiology. (28) From Mrs. Helen Wickins a donation of HK$ 1,300 for the Department o f Morbid Anatomy. (29) From Mr. Yeung Wing Tak a donation of HK$22,520 for sponsoring a member o f Yeung Shui Sang Laboratory for Thermoluminescence o f Ancient Ceramics to attend conferences in the UK and Japan in July and August, 1987. (30) From the following contributors donations totalling HK$135,000 for the installation o f student facilities and other academic activities at Ho Tim Building: Mr. Yu Ching Po Mr. Ng Chun Man Mr. Lee Woo Sing Dr. Li Shing Dr. the Hon. Q.W. Lee Mr. Charles Sin Cho Chiu Mr. Kwok Tak Seng Mr. K.K. Zee Mr. Leung Moon Chuen Mr. M.G. Tsui Mr. Liu Lit-man Dr. Cheng Yu Tung Mr. Ying Tse Yen Mr. Lin Chung Pak Mr. Wang Tseng Hsiang Mr. Lee Shau Kee Mr. Andrew Lee King Fun Dr. Stanley Ho Mr. H.C. Watt Mr. David W.K. Sin Dr. Yung Yau Mr. Chan Wai Lim Mr. Mok Ying Kie Mr. Yip Shiu Ming Mr. Liu Lit-ch i Mr. Poon Kam Kai Mr. John Chung (31) From the family o f the late Mr. Tseng You Yung a collection o f open-reel tapes and albums on Chinese music for the Department o f Music. 28
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