Bulletin Number One 1987
open ing o f the Chen N ing Yang Reading Room The Chen Ning Yang Reading Room at the University Science Centre was formally opened on 9th January by Professor Ta-you Wu, President o f the Academia Sinica, who made a special trip here from Taiwan for the occasion. In 1986 , Messrs. Chi-Ming Cha and Yong-ling Liu generously donated HK$1.2 m illion to the Univer sity as a tribute to Professor Chen Ning Yang, Nobel Laureate in Physics and presently Distinguished Professor-at-Large o f the University, for his out standing contribution to the natural sciences and to education. The donation was used to convert the 84-sq.m. staff common room in the Science Centre into a reading room to be named after Professor Chen Ning Yang, and to purchase books and journals in Physics. President Ta-you Wu was Professor Yang's Physics teacher at National Southwest Associate University in China in the late thirties. The Ni n th Internat i onal Conference on the T 'oegye School o f Neo-Confuciani sm The Ninth International Conference on the T'oegye School o f Neo-Confucianism, co-sponsored by the Departments o f Philosophy and Chinese Language & literature, and T'oegyehak Study Institute, Seoul, Korea, was held on 25th and 26th January, 1987 at the University. About one hundred and twenty scholars from mainland China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Germany, the United States and Hong Kong attended the conference, among them were Dr. Choong-Sik Chang, Chairman o f International T'oegyehak Society and President o fDankook University, Mr. Dong-Choon Lee, Chairman o f Board o f Directors o f International T'oegyehak Society. The Vice-Chancellor o f the University, Dr. Ma Lin, officiated at the opening ceremony, at which Professor Mou Tsung-san o f the National Taiwan Normal University and Dr. Choong-Sik Chang delivered their addresses. The two-day conference was con ducted in ten sessions and over fo rty papers were presented. Y i T'oegye (1501-1570) is the best known Korean philosopher. His philosophy was greatly influenced by the Chinese thinker Chu Hsi (1120- 1200) and in turn had a great impact on Japan. As a transmitter o f Chinese philosophy to Japan, T'oegye's importance transcends his nationality. The theme o f this conference was ‘Regional Development and Comparison o f Neo-Confucianism in East Asia: Modem Significance o f the Philosophy Established by T'oegye'. The Vice-Chancellor stated in his opening address that holding this conference at a time when the progress in material civilization overshadows men's spiritual development has special significance. 8 NEWS
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