Bulletin Number One 1985
The Second Term Programmes in the second term wil l include :- 28th January ‘Month of the Orchestras': A Concert by the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra. 29th January- An exhibition of Water- 9th February Colour Paintings by Tse Shun Kai. 31st January ‘Li Po - A Tribute in Dance Images and Imageries' by the City Contemporary Dance Co. 14th February 'Month o f the Orchestras': A Concert by the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra 14th March An Evening of Traditional Chinese Operas: featuring five excerpts from Peking, Kunju and Cantonese operas. 21st March Dance Multiplicity: a variety of dance performances, East and West, modem and traditional. 28th-30th March Moli è re's 'Scapino' staged by the Chinese University Drama Club. 5th April Children's Talent Quest It can be seen that the efforts of the Hall in promoting the cultural activities are made along the following line: first, to initiate more presentation programmes and provide more support for students' programmes; and secondly, to introduce new categories of programmes and strengthen those that are less popular such as dance and visual arts. As far as non-entertainment programme booking is concerned, it has already been confirmed that Chung Chi College will hold it s Valdictory Service for the first time in June at the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. Usage Rate of the Sir Run Run Shaw Hall Auditorium 22 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS
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