Bulletin Vol. 8 No. 12 Sep–Aug 1972
past ten years, Sir Kenneth has given full and unfailing support to the College. Both the Board and the College have expressed their deep gratitude to Sir Kenneth for his invaluable services and contributions. In May this year, the former University Grants Committee expanded its organization and was re-named the University and Polytechnic Grants Committee. Sir Kenneth was appointed by His Excellency the Governor to serve on the Committee, and hence resigne d from the United College Board of Trustees. After Sir Kenneth's resignation, the Chinese Unofficial Members of the Executive and Legislative Councils nominated Dr. the Hon. P.C. Woo to serve on the Board, which has elected him its Chairman and representative of the Board on the Council of the University. Dr. the Hon. P.C. Woo, a prominent lawyer and scholar, has had an outstanding record of public services in Hong Kong. • The Dedication Service of Wen Lin Tang by the Rt. Rev. Gilbert Baker, Bishop of Hong Kong and Macao, was held on 15th July at Wen Lin Tang, a new student hostel built for Chung Chi College by Sheng Kung Hui Diocese of Hong Kong and Macao. President C.T. Yung unveiled the plaque o f the hostel. A tea reception in the hostel followed the ceremony. • The Board of Governors of Chung Chi College has announced that Dr. C.T. Yung has accepted its invitation to extend his term of office as President of the College for two years until 30th September, 1975. • New Asia College held the 21st Graduation Ceremony for its undergraduate departments and the 16th Graduation Ceremony for its Research Institute at the College Auditorium on 1st July. Dr. Y.P. Mei , College President, and Dr. Andrew T. Roy, Vice- President of Chung Chi College, addressed the assembly. There were altogether 186 graduates from the undergraduate departments and 5 from the Research Institute. • The 18th Graduation Ceremony of Chung Chi College was held on 11th June, in the College Chapel. Dr. Daniel C.W. Tse, President of Hong Kong Baptist College , addressed the congregation. A total of 221 graduates of the Arts, Science and Social Science Faculties were awarded certificates by President C.T. Yung. • Two new Departments will be established at New Asia College in 1972/73 , namely: the Department of French Studies and the Department of Translation. The heads of the two Departments are Dr. Adine Wang Wou and Dr. Phillip S.Y. Sun respectively. • Dr. R.A. Holden, President of Yale-in-China Association, retired on 12th June, but will soon take up his new post as President of Wilson College. New Asia College presented him with a stone seal to honour him on his retirement. • The Yale-in-China Association has established a temporary Research Fund in order to encourage research in areas of special interest to the students of New Asia College. This year, thirteen 3rd- and 4th-year students of the College have been given awards from the research fund. • Dr. S.T. Chang, Senior Lecturer in Biology, Chung Chi College, has been awarded a visiting fellowship in the Department of Genetics, Research School of Biological Sciences, The Australian National University, Canberra. Dr. Chang will work with Prof. D.G. Catcheside, Director of Research School of Biological Sciences and with Dr. CJ. Shepherd, Principal Research Scientist in the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization. Dr. Chang has been invited to attend the Symposium on ‘‘The Ecology of Phytophythora cinnamomi and its effects on native plant communities" held from 14th to 18th August. • At the invitation of the Student Union of New Asia College, Prof. Maurice Maurier, Professor of Theatre Art at Lyon University, France, gave a talk on 8th June on “Movie Career for the Young French People" • Mr. Chang Chien-min, Head of the Department of Business Administration, United College, conducted a three-session course on "Salary and Wage Administration’’ for the Hong Kong Management Association on 6th , 13th and 20th June. -9-
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