Bulletin Autumn 1989

* Professor Teik E. Oh, dean of medicine, on the Medical Council of Hong Kong from 1st August, 1989 to 30th September, 1991. * Mr. Patrick T.H. Kwong, assistant to director of The Chinese University Press, on the Advertising, Public Relations and Publishing Training Board from 16th August, 1989 to 31st March, 1991. * Professor S.W. Tam, dean of Graduate School and head of Chung Chi College, as chairman of the Supplementary Medical Professions Council from 1st October, 1989 to 30th September, 1992. * Professor S.P.B. Donnan, professor of com munity and family medicine, on the Working Party on Primary Health Care. * Professor C.Y. Lee, professor of biochemistry and head of The United College, on the Joint Com­ mittee on Student Finance for a term up to 30th April, 1991. (2) The following members of the University have been nominated to represent the University on various boards and committees: * Mr. Hsu Dan-lin, lecturer in finance, on the Banking Training Board of the Vocational Training Council from 1st August, 1989 to 31st March, 1991. * Dr. Douglas S.L. Tung and Dr. Moon Yiu-sang, senior lecturers in computer science, on the Advanced Level Computer Studies Ad Hoc Subject Committee, Hong Kong Examinations Authority from 1st Septem ber, 1989 until a new Sixth Form Subject Committee for Computer Science is established. 40th Anniversary o f New Asia College New Asia College celebrated its fortieth anniversary aswell as the 2540birthday of Confucious this year. A series of celebration activities starting in late September included a dinner for ‘a thousand persons', a Chinese music concert, a banquet, inter departmental competitions, sports competitions, an Alumni Day, an art exhibition and cultural talks. Professor Ch'ien Mu, founding president of the college, made aspecial trip from Taiwan to takepart in the celebration. O ctago nal p illo w with black p a inted b ird design on white slip coating, Jin, 12-13th century, length: 28.4 cm (Exhibition o f Chinese C eram ic P illo w s fro m the C o lle ction o f M r. & M rs. Yeung W ing Tak) 13