Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1981
Staff Profiles Dr. Klaus Baumann Dr. Eng-ching Chew Dr. David Yew Dr. Klaus Baumann Senior Lecturer, Department o f Physiology Dr. Klaus Baumann was trained as a medical doctor at the University of Hamburg and the University of Tubingen in Germany, and registered as a medical practitioner in 1971. In the same year, he was award ed the degree of Dr. Med. for his dissertation on interactions between heart rate and force of cardiac muscle contraction. Dr. Baumann has all along been involved in the teaching of physiology to undergraduate and post graduate students of medicine, informatics as well as physiotherapeutics. In 1972, he became a Lecturer of the Department of Physiology of Hamburg Univer sity, where he continued with his research in cardio vascular physiology, collaborating with the Depart ment of Medicine, University Hospital Kiel, Germany. In 1978 Dr. Baumann joined the Department of Industrial Medicine of the same University as Senior Lecturer. He was able to use his experience in applied physiology gained at the Physiology Department in occupational health. His special interest was chronic toxicity of organic solvents and pesticides in exposed workers. Dr. Baumann joined the Faculty of Medicine of the University as Senior Lecturer in Physiology in February 1981. Dr. Eng-ching Chew Senior Lecturer , Department o f Anatomy Dr. Eng-ching Chew, a graduate of Nanyang Univer sity, obtained the degrees of M.Sc. (Anatomy) and Ph.D. (Pathology) from the University of Western Ontario, Canada. Before joining this University as Senior Lectur er in Anatomy in 1981, Dr. Chew was Lecturer in Anatomy at the University of Hong Kong. He was awarded a Leverhulme Fellowship in 1978 to visit the Monash University to study the fluorescent antibody techniques from Professor R.C. Nairn, and a Commonwealth Academic Exchange Fellowship in 1979 to visit the University of Singapore to study their teaching programme in Dental Anatomy. Dr. Chew is concentrating on cancer research and electron microscopic studies of tumor cells. He is also working with the Orthopaedic Department of the University of Hong Kong to investigate the fine structural changes of muscle spindles associated with scoliosis. Dr. David Yew Senior Lecturer, Department o f Anatomy Dr. David Yew, a B.Sc. graduate (1969) of this University, pursued postgraduate studies at the Medical School of Wayne State University, U.S.A. and was awarded aPh.D. degree in Anatomy in 1974. Dr. Yew was Research Associate in Pharmacology- Morphology at Wayne State University in 1974 until he returned to Hong Kong to teach at this University as Lecturer in Biology the same year. In 1976, he was appointed Lecturer in Anatomy of the University of Hong Kong. He was a Visiting Scientist to the Hubrecht Laboratory, Royal Academy of Science and Letters, Holland in 1980. He rejoined this University in 1981 as Senior Lecturer in Anatomy of the new Faculty of Medicine. Dr. Yew's research interest is in the visual system and he has published papers in the following areas: (1) laser and the eye, (2) teratology and em bryology of the eye, (3) effects of blocking the visual pathway on the brain and (4) comparative anatomy of the eye. Dr. J.D. Young Senior Lecturer, Department o f Biochemistry Dr. J.D. Young completed his undergraduate studies 22
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