Bulletin Spring 1990
This new section is charged with the following responsibilities: —Assist the University, its research institutes, and its academic staff to develop externally funded research and development-related projects. - Su p p o rt the development of the University through assistance in the formulation and implementation of its strategic plans. - P r o t e ct the interest and reduce the potential liability of the University in all externally related projects (excluding capital projects which are the responsibility of the Buildings Office). - A s s i s t the University to propose, negotiate, finalize, enter into and monitor contracts of externally funded projects. - D e v e l op new international linkages for the University through joint research and exchange programmes. —Identify potential focal points of University development for external support and cultivate external interest in such items. —Assist in the projection of an image of excellence for the University. —Maintain a comprehensive database on all research and development project s of the University, funding organizations, and the research capabilities of selected universities and research institutions in China and overseas. - Mo b i l i ze alumni support for the University. The University Development Section is evolved from three existing offices, namely the Office of Industrial and Business Development (OIBD),the Office of Academic Exchanges and the Offic e of Alumni Affairs. A new R&D Contract Administration Unit is being established within OIBD. Each office has been entrusted with specific duties: The Of f i ce of I n d u s t r i al and Business Development was established in 1988 in response to the expanding relationship between the University and outside bodies such as local and multi-national corporations, industrial establishments, foundations, government bodies, and tertiary institutions. Since it s establishment, OIBD has been working closely with the academic staff to identify University services and programmes which would attract support from external organizations. These services include contract research, product development, training, consultancy, special studies and liaison activities. OI BD also assists academic staff in preparing proposals and plannin g ventures to commercialize research findings. Research contracts successfully concluded include contracts with a local public utilities company, an international research laboratory and a multi-national chemical firm. Negotiation on the commercialization of a computer-related research project is also close to completion. OIBD has also activel y participated in the planning of and fund-raising for research institutes and multi-disciplinary research activities. The Office of Academic Exchanges assists academic staff in developing academic exchange programmes with institutions in China, Japan, USA and other countries. Through these exchanges, the University hopes to further expand collaboration with overseas institutions on R&D activities. The Office of Alumni Affairs will, in addition to performing its on-going functio n of promoting effective coordination and communication between the University and its alumni, further mobilize alumni support for and participation in University development programmes . The R&D Contract Administration Unit is created to assist academic staff i n preparing and negotiating Research and Development contract terms, and to support the proper discharge of contractual obligations. Thi s unit wil l also build up an information database on all externally funded R&D projects. The principal officers-in-charge in the University Development Section are: Dr. Winston Liang Director, University Development Section Mr. Robert Wu Director, Office of Industrial & Business Development Mr. William Wan Alumni Affairs Officer, Office of Alumni Affairs Mr. C.B. Luen Academic Exchange Officer, Office of Academic Exchanges Mrs. Alice Yip R&D Contract Administration Officer, R&D Contract Administration Unit NEWS 1 3
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