Bulletin Spring‧Summer 1991
(82) From the following donors to the Department of Surgery for educational and research purposes: (a) St. Teresa's Hospital HK$10,000; and (b) Ms. Wong Pak Hing, Abie HK$2,000. (83) From Mr. Wong Man Wai , Michael HK$5,000 for the Renal Research Fund of the Department of Medicine. (84) From Baxter Healthcare Ltd. for the Department of Medicine: (a) HK$14,820 to sponsor a staf f member to attend a conference i n Nashville, USA; and (b) HK$19,500 to sponsor a staff member to attend a conference in Washington,USA . (85) From Bei Shan Tang Foundation for the Centre for Chinese Archaeology and Art: (a) HK$90,000 for the salary of an audiovisual operator; and (b) a further donation of HK$38,000 for the excavation work at Lamma Island. (86) From Mr. Chiu Tat Wing HK$3,000 to provide subsistence allowance for exchange students of New Asia College to Japan in 1990-91. (87) From Ciba-Geigy (HK) Limited HK$120,000 for the Drug and Poisons Information Bureau and related services of the Department of Clinical Pharmacology. (88) From the following donors for a satellite symposium in Taipei jointly organized by the University's Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, the Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Society of Hong Kong , and the National Yang Ming Medical School, Taiwan: (a) Cyanamid (Far East) Ltd. HK$5,000; and (b) Hoechst China Limite d HK$ 16,000. (89) From Eli Lilly Asia Inc. HK$5,000 for the weekly cardiac seminar organized by the Department of Medicine. (90) From the following donors for a conference organized by the Department of Philosophy: (a) Mr. Edmund Ho Hau Wah HK$8,000; and (b) K.C. Wong Education Foundation Ltd. HK$15,000. (91) F r om the Hongkong Bank Founda t i on HK$32,000 for the Intervarsity Debating Contest 1991. (92) From Hong Kong Oxygen & Acetylene Co. Ltd. HK$4,300 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Surgery to visit the UROPONG Lithoptripsy Centre in Bangkok, Thailand. (93) From the I ndus t r i a l Promoting L i m i t e d HK$10,000 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology to attend a conference in London, UK. (94) From Jardine , Matheson & Co. Ltd. HK$4,000 for the third International Imaging Course organized by the Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Organ Imaging. (95) From Johnson & Johnson Medical Hong Kong HK$5,000 to sponsor a staff member of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology to attend an international workshop on gynaecologic endoscopy in Bangkok, Thailand. (96) From the following donors to sponsor the Intervarsity Debating Contest between CUHK and the National Taiwan University: (a) Kwong On Bank Limited HK$10,000; and (b) Mr. Chuk Wai Chung HK$ 1,500. (97) From Mr. David Lam HK$20,000 to New Asia College for development purposes. (98) From Nestle China Ltd. HK$3,100 to purchase reference books for the Nursing Degree Programme. (99) From Nutricia (Asia) Ltd. HK$30,000 to sponsor an exhibition held by the Department of Paediatrics. (100) From Science International Corporation HK14,000 to sponsor two staff members of the Department of Chemical Pathology to attend a computer training course in San Francisco, USA. (101) From various donors HK$184,184 towards the Hong Kong Paediatric Bone Marrow Transplant Fund of the Department of Paediatrics. (102) From various donors HK$742,126.70, US$230, and £20 towards the Children's Cancer Fund of the Department of Paediatrics. (103) From various donors HK$19,500 towards the CUHK Federation of A l umn i Association Student Activities Fund. (104) From Mr. Wilson T.S. Wang HK$1,500,000 for the establishment of the Wilson T.S. Wang Distinguish International Professorship. (105) From Mr. Yang Ting, Paul HK$15,000 to the Department of Psychiatry for general purposes. (106) From Prof. Daozhen Zhang of Shenzhen Foreign Language Centre a donation of books and dictionarie to Shaw College for use in the students reading room. (107) From Bristol-Myers (Hong Kong ) Ltd. two I BM compatible personal computers to the Growth and Nutrition Research Team of the Department of Paediatrics. GIFTS & DONATIONS 36
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